If you have not used Zoom before there are some great Zoom YouTube videos to acquaint yourself with the platform. 

And here are some quick etiquette points:

  • Set aside this time to be fully present in the gathering.
  • When you join the gathering you will already be MUTED. Enter as if you are entering a meditation hall (you are), and hold the silence and space in your being as others enter.
  • When the time comes to speak, raise your hand to let the teacher know you want to talk, wait to be called on, and the teacher will UNMUTE you.
  • If possible use a headset – the microphones are very powerful and will pick up ambient noises easily – also headphones seem to eliminate most feedback.
  • If you are using a phone to call in – please find out how to identify yourself, so your name is showing up and not just your phone number – nice for us to know who is there.
  •  Consider the lighting of your digital space so we can see you well. If you are backlit your face is not visible.
  • If you need to leave your spot for a moment for a bio-break etc. – please turn your video off – that way others don’t detect movement on your screen or watch you go to the refrigerator 🙂 etc.
    Refrain from using the CHAT function. Rest inside yourself.

Laptops and iPad allow for a GALLERY VIEW (above) so all of the participants can be seen – this makes the field feel very present  and intimate so if at all possible please have your video capability on.  

Thanks everyone – see you there!