PZI Teacher Archives


Text November 24, 2017

Living in the Moment

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill talks about the experience of relying on the moment we’re in to make itself. Summer Sesshin, July 2013.

3527 Words
Text November 15, 2017

Meditation as a Basis for Healing

John Tarrant

“What are the essentials of the meditation path as a basis for this healing — healing of both person and culture?” August 2006.

2900 Words
Text November 15, 2017

Standing at the Edge

John Tarrant

Right now, as we sit here, we are standing at the edge of a cliff. On every side there is a great drop. Right now, what do you experience standing on the edge of this great cliff? Whatever you experience standing here, that is your life. At the end of your days you’ll say, “This is what I did.” So what do you experience standing on the edge of the cliff?

665 Words
Text November 15, 2017

Starter Kit for the Koan “No”

John Tarrant

A monk once asked Master Zhaozhou, “Has a dog the Buddha Nature or not?” Zhaozhou said, “No!”

281 Words
Text November 15, 2017

The Moon Sets at Midnight

John Tarrant

We have such a passion to know and to be certain but, in practice, much of what we think of as knowledge is just untested thoughts. As the Heart Sutra says, even thoughts are empty, and if we are willing not to know, willing to walk through life without believing every thought that rises, then we’ll find a path out of suffering.

3713 Words
Text November 15, 2017

Unicorns of Happiness

John Tarrant

Everyone knows happiness is A Good Thing, more desirable than say, vacuum cleaners or eye shadow. The founding fathers of the United States offered happiness as part of a mission statement for a people coming together in a nation, encouraging you to pursue, and perhaps to go so far as to chase, harry, hunt down, subdue and corral happiness. Even the Dalai Lama has said that happiness is the point of Buddhism.

4082 Words
Text November 15, 2017

What Do You Want?

John Tarrant

How can you tell what’s genuine and what you really want? Sometimes we want things from a rather superficial place, or the part of ourselves that wants them doesn’t seem to have our best interests at heart. The question “What do I want?” goes to the core of meditation practice.

1303 Words