PZI Events Calendar
W E L C O M E to the PZI Events Calendar! Here you will find all upcoming events and registration links for PZI Zen Online retreats, sesshins, and weekly meditations & talks. Search by individual event, day, or month. Save to your Google Calendar or iCal Calendar. No experience required to participate. All event times are Pacific Time. Questions? Contact Emlyn Guiney
September 15 Sunday Zen: With John Tarrant & Friends
September 21 Daylong: With John Tarrant & Tess Beasley
October 22–27 Fall Sesshin: with John Tarrant & PZI Teachers
- This event has passed.
WEDNESDAY ZEN: Making Tea with David Weinstein
November 2, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Free – $10REGISTER
Making Tea
Yunyan was making tea.
Daowu asked him, “Who are you making tea for?”
Yunyan said, “I am making it for another.”
Yunyan said, “Why don’t you let them make it themselves?”
Yunyan said, “Fortunately, I’m here to do it.”
This koan paid me a visit as I was making coffee for my sister and brother-in-law one morning when they were visiting recently. I usually have a double expresso in the morning and I’m good, but I knew my guests to be avid coffee drinkers who drank it by the liter. The prospect of being tied to the espresso machine pushing out double shots of espresso by the liter did not appeal to me. So, I decided to resurrect my French press technique to make more coffee faster allowing me to enjoy breakfast with my companions in a more relaxed way.
As I was trying to remember how many scoops of beans and what setting I used to grind them, the koan paid me a visit. Initially it struck me as being about my making coffee for my sister and her husband and how I felt fortunate that I was there to do that for them. But as I continued making the coffee, measuring, and grinding the beans and heating the water to just the right temperature, I began to get a sense of something else about my experience with the koan and the coffee.
That something else crystallized for me after pouring the water into the press, fitting the lid onto the top with the plunger up and then resting the inside of my wrist on the plunger. As I felt the weight of my relaxed arm slowly push the plunger down without effort, I realized that I was doing it for me. I was the “another” for whom I was making “tea.” Just as I am “all the beings of the world” that I vow to wake.
—David Weinstein
Join us for a koan, meditation, dharma talk, & conversation.
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