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September 21 Daylong: Zen and the Goddess Part I

September 22 Sunday Zen with John Tarrant & Friends

October 22–27 Fall Sesshin: The 1000-Armed Goddess of Mercy


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Event Series Event Series:

TUESDAY ZEN: Buffalo Passing Through with David Weinstein

April 16 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Free – $10


Wuzu said, “It is like a buffalo jumping through a latticed window. Its head, horns,
four legs all pass through. Why can’t its tail pass through?” 

—Gateless Gate Case 38

What first arose when hanging out with this koan was wondering what question Wuzu was answering. Next I remembered the television game show Jeopardy, where you are given an answer and must come up with the question. 

It might be fun to have a koan version of Jeopardy, though whenever hanging out with koans there is already the jeopardy of losing our cherished thoughts and opinions about ourselves and others and the world. 

What do you think the question was?

Having spent time with Taking a Step off the Hundred-Foot Pole last week, my attention was drawn to the way the buffalo passed through the window. Just as I was curious about the different ways of leaving the top of the hundred-foot pole. You can step, slip, be pushed or jump, whether it is the top of the pole or in front of a latticed window. 

What is it for you?

Some translations don’t have a latticed window, it’s just a window. That’s interesting—what does that difference feel like to me, to you? 

And what is the tail? What is passing through the window, however you do it? Koans are mirrors that reflect our life back to us. What in my life feels like that?

Then there is also the question of whether the buffalo is going in or getting out, and the Goose in the Bottle koan comes to mind. Any other koans come to your mind?

—David Weinstein

David Weinstein Roshi


COME JOIN US on Tuesdays for koan meditation, dharma talk and conversation.
Register to participate. All are welcome.

David Weinstein Roshi, Director of Rockridge Meditation Community



April 16
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Free – $10
Event Category:


David Weinstein Roshi
Register here to attend: