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September 21 Daylong: Zen and the Goddess Part I

September 22 Sunday Zen with John Tarrant & Friends

October 22–27 Fall Sesshin: The 1000-Armed Goddess of Mercy


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SUNDAY ZEN with John Tarrant & Friends: The Fire That Burned the Great Temple

May 19 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Free – $10


The covers were burned but the sutras were unharmed—

The city of Kamakura was the capital of Japan for 150 years in the medieval period (1180-1333). Koan meditation was brought over from China and emperors and great samurai studied Zen. At this time, pretty much any disaster that could happen did happen—civil war, earthquake, fire, and tsunami (though the great bronze Buddha survived the waters).

The Temple of Engakuji was destroyed by fire in 1374. The entire library was consumed and the rare books which the founder, Bukko, had brought from China were reduced to ashes. Priests of the Hachiman shrine came to Enkakuji, concerned about the tragic loss of these ancient texts.

Fumon, the master, said, “None of the texts has been burnt.”
“Then where are they?” asked a priest doubtfully.
The teacher drew a circle and said, “They are in here.”

When everything is burned there is something that is not burned.

Come on Sunday and hear the rest of the story.

—John Tarrant

Meditation is not a task with a known goal. It’s something you can’t do wrong, a chance for the things of this world to come towards you and to meet you, for doors to open by themselves, and for us to see where the ancient paths lead.

Waking up is something we do together, in the online temple on Sunday. We love it when you join us. 

—John Tarrant Roshi and all of us at PZI

Registration is FREE or you may elect to donate $10.

Dana and donations are gratefully accepted.
Once you register, you’ll receive a PZI link for access to:
Sunday Zen at 10:30 am Pacific Time


May 19
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Free – $10
Event Category: