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September 21 Daylong: Zen and the Goddess Part I

September 22 Sunday Zen with John Tarrant & Friends

October 22–27 Fall Sesshin: The 1000-Armed Goddess of Mercy


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SUNDAY ZEN: Undividing the World – with Jesse Cardin & Co

May 14, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Free – $10


Jesse Cardin is guest host today—join us! (John Tarrant is away in May.)

In ancient Hawai’i there was a giant slab of rock called the Naha stone.

It was found on the banks of the Wailua River on the island of Kaua’i, but was carried by double-hulled canoe to the city of Hilo. There it became a symbol of the Naha clan. It was believed that whoever could turn over the 7,000-pound stone would be granted power to unify all the kingdoms of all the islands of Hawai’i.

It is said that at the age of 14, King Kamehameha the Great lifted and toppled the stone. Later in life he fulfilled the prophecy, unifying all of Hawai’i under his rule.

How did King Kamehameha the Great turn over the 7,000 pound Naha stone?
How do you unify all of Hawai’i?

—Hawai’ian myth and … koan?

It’s easy to see how we divide the world: masculine and feminine, rich and poor, Republican and Democrat. But where are those divisions when you look in the eyes of a child? When a whale breaches unexpectedly or the scent of an unfamiliar flower touches your nose?

The impossible task of koans is to just be here.

When you realize that, a 7,000-pound stone will feel light as a feather and all the world will be united.

See you on Sunday,


Waking up is something we do together, in the online temple on Sunday.We love it when you join us.

Meditation is not a task with a known goal. It’s something you can’t do wrong, a chance for the things of this world to come towards you and to meet you, for doors to open by themselves, and for us to see where the ancient paths lead.

—John Tarrant, Jesse Cardin, and all of us at PZI

Registration is FREE or you may elect to donate $10.

Dana and donations are gratefully accepted.
Once you register, you’ll receive a PZI link for access to: Sunday Zen at 10:30 am Pacific Time

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May 14, 2023
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Free – $10
Event Category: