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September 8 Sunday Zen: With John Tarrant & Friends

September 21 Daylong: With John Tarrant & Tess Beasley

October 22–27 Fall Sesshin: with John Tarrant & PZI Teachers

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SUNDAY ZEN: Swimming Through the Titanic – with John Tarrant & Tess Beasley

July 2, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Free – $10


There is a classic Zen koan about going to the bottom of the sea and bringing back a stone. Here’s the koan:

12,500 feet deep down, in the midnight zone of the North Atlantic, lies a sunken ship. I want to swim down and find the treasure there. 

Our fascination with the Titanic endures. Even the name of the ship was the beginning of its loss; the titans stand in the psyche for whatever is gigantic and careless and ignores the laws of fate. The ship had to sink because it was unsinkable. 

In the spiritual world, we often want to ascend immediately without offering anything of ourselves. But imperfection and loss are in the depths and are linked to the treasures of the deep. Sacrifice frees us.

Perhaps the ship itself is a huge gift placed on the altar of the deep but we can’t leave her alone, and she has become a restless dreamer, calling people to her and sometimes destroying them.

We don’t need to be superior over nature, and the more we prove that we are on top, the more we suffer.

Join us on Sunday for a voyage into the deep.

Meditation is not a task with a known goal. It’s something you can’t do wrong, a chance for the things of this world to come towards you and to meet you, for doors to open by themselves, and for us to see where the ancient paths lead.

Waking up is something we do together, in the online temple on Sunday. We love it when you join us. 

—John Tarrant Roshi, Tess Beasley, and all of us at PZI

Registration is FREE or you may elect to donate $10.

Dana and donations are gratefully accepted.
Once you register, you’ll receive a PZI link for access to:
Sunday Zen at 10:30 am Pacific Time

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July 2, 2023
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Free – $10
Event Category: