PZI Events Calendar
W E L C O M E to the PZI Events Calendar! Here you will find all upcoming events and registration links for PZI Zen Online retreats, sesshins, and weekly meditations & talks. Search by individual event, day, or month. Save to your Google Calendar or iCal Calendar. No experience required to participate. All event times are Pacific Time. Questions? Contact Emlyn Guiney
September 15 Sunday Zen: With John Tarrant & Friends
September 21 Daylong: With John Tarrant & Tess Beasley
October 22–27 Fall Sesshin: with John Tarrant & PZI Teachers
- This event has passed.
SUNDAY ZEN: Sun Face Buddha, Moon Face Buddha – with Guest Host Tess Beasley & Co
April 2, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Free – $10REGISTER
Sun Face Buddha, Moon Face Buddha: Savoring the Eternal & Ephemeral
Hi Friends,
John Tarrant is on the mend, but really needs his rest; so we’ll gather once more and keep his seat warm this Sunday. I look forward to being with you.
We’ll pull up a cushion for Great Ancestor Ma, too, who in the canonical Blue Cliff Record offers a glimpse into the eternal and ephemeral inside each of us, and indeed inside everything—and the great beauty of savoring them both as we surf the uncertainty of our lives.
Ancestor Ma was sick.
The superintendent of the monastery asked him, “How are you feeling these days?”
The ancestor said, “Sun face Buddha, moon face Buddha.”
We cannot help but be shaped by our encounters with sickness, aging, and death; it is no mistake they arrive as messengers to young Siddhartha in concert with the path to freedom. In brushing up against all that crumbles and fades, we are met and held by that which endures. The ancestors called it simply: This.
“Life has not forgotten you,” says Rilke, “that it holds you in its hand…it will not let you fall.”
Join us for stories, music, companionship and deep silence.
—Tess Beasley
Waking up is something we do together, in the online temple on Sunday.
We love it when you join us.
Meditation is not a task with a known goal. It’s something you can’t do wrong, a chance for the things of this world to come towards you and to meet you, for doors to open by themselves, and for us to see where the ancient paths lead.
—John Tarrant, Tess Beasley, and all of us at PZI
Dana and donations are gratefully accepted.
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Sunday Zen at 10:30 am Pacific Time
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