Pacific Zen Institute – Sunday Zen, Koans, Dreams & the Deep Psyche
Where Meditation Meets Creativity & the Imagination
Retreats, Sesshins, Morning & Evening Meditation, Special Events
About Our Programs
In-Person Events or Online Events?
PZI is a creative organization continuously offering new programs for meditation and koan study. You will find all events along with talk topics and koans in the PZI Events Calendar.
We are mainly gathering online in the PZI Digital Temple because of plague, climate change, and general crisis and malaise. But we’re starting to offer some in-person retreats again, and will keep you posted on our Retreat Planner page.
Join our PZI Mailing List to get announcements about retreats, special events, and the PZI Sunday Temple with John Tarrant.
REGISTER: Oct. 4-9,
PZI Fall Sesshin
Door After Door Opening Inside with John Tarrant & Friends
SUNDAY ZEN with John Tarrant Roshi & Director
of Pacific Zen Institute
Meditation & Talk at 10:30 am PDT
Every Sunday
Meditation is not a task with a known goal. It’s something you can’t do wrong, a chance for the things of this world to come towards you and to meet you, for doors to open by themselves, and for us to see where the ancient paths lead.
Waking up is something we do together, in the online temple on Sunday. We love it when you join us.
—John Tarrant Roshi and all of us at PZI
Zen Luminaries:
A Series of Conversations
hosted by Jon Joseph Roshi
Next Luminary:
Jane Hirshfield October 24th
Our KALPA library is the heart of the PZI website.
Here you can delve into koan meditation practice by listening to dharma talks or reading transcriptions going back many years. John Tarrant is our founder and senior Roshi, but PZI has many wonderful Teachers within the tradition who all offer regular or occasional online sessions. These gatherings are always open to you as a newcomer and a great introduction to each teacher.