We currently have 2 regular groups in the Seattle area: Koans on the Ridge on Tuesdays in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood, and the Wednesday Evening Koan Group in the Ballard neighborhood.


Koans on the Ridge

When we meet: 

1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings of each month, in 12 week cycles.

Where we meet: 
In a private home in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood of Seattle.

Contact co-facilitators Lance Sobel ([email protected]) and Amy Darling ([email protected]) for more information.


Wednesday Evening Koan Group

When we meet: 

Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm, in 12 week cycles.

Where we meet: 
In a private home in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.

Kay Elmer ([email protected]) for more information.


Bonus! Seasonal Sunday DVD Potlucks

Both groups also get together more or less quarterly to watch a DVD koan talk by John Tarrant, meditate, discuss the koan, and have an informal potluck lunch.  These potlucks are open to everyone, and are a good opportunity for anyone interested in learning about Zen koans, how our groups work, and more about PZI.  Contact any of the co-facilators to learn when the next one will be help.

We are all interested in the open, inclusive, and engaging way of working with koans that is practiced at Pacific Zen Institute. Sharing our experiences after meditating with a new koan has given us insights that arise from a deepening trust and respect for the inherent wisdom we all possess. Through sitting together, we have discovered a deep appreciation for companionship, for the larger PZI sangha, and for John Tarrant’s unique methods of teaching Zen. Our members come from varied backgrounds, and include those who have practiced koans traditionally, those who are new to koans, and those who do not identify as Buddhist practitioners or have no previous meditation experience.

There is some interest in forming a 3rd Washington area group between Seattle and Tacoma.  If you live south of Seattle and are interested joining such a group, contact Kay.

For more information, contact:
Kay Elmer – [email protected] or (425) 369-8430