PZI Web Site Ideas, Feedback and Wistful Inspirations
Hello friends
New web site. A web site is lots of things—a face for newcomers, a library, a place to sign up for events, a way to support PZI with money, a calendar of events, a gallery of the art that is so important to us, a place for conversation, and especially it’s a process of education and learning. In that way the web site helps build culture. The culture is always being built. You are part of that. That means we like to hear from you. Actually we love to hear from you.
So after you’ve looked and said, ‘Where’s my stuff?’ look at everything and give us feedback. You can give us your feedback here. We’ll read it and listen and we are planning to continually upgrade the site. If you want to be part of that process and curate bits of the site, let us know. The new thing is that we are not going to have a harried web master who does what we ask, it’s going to be us doing what we ask. And the nice thing about the web is that you can contribute no matter where you live.
Steven Grant has done an awesome job of heavy lifting, herding, collie dogging, steering, working out systems, getting our new web site going. Jack Randall did visual design and Michelle Riddle and I did the content design. Ethan Anderson did the technical back end. The ultimate decisions have been mine, so all blame, pins being stuck in dolls—that’s me.
So I’m excited, thinking that this is going to be a true collaboration. We look forward to hearing from you. We especially want to hear from you if you want to do something such as keep a calendar up to date, field questions from new people or maintain any aspect of the site.
Thanks so much for making this possible by being a member of PZI.
John Tarrant.