THURSDAY ZEN April 27th with David Parks Roshi

Thursday Meditation & Talk with David Parks Roshi
of Pacific Zen Institute & Bluegrass Zen
April 27, 2023
4–5:30 pm Pacific Time

Join us for a koan, meditation, dharma talk and conversation.
All are welcome.

Registration or Zoom questions?
Contact [email protected]

THURSDAYS, 4-5:30 pm Pacific Time
every other week


This is the stone, drenched with rain, that points the way.

—PZI Miscellaneous Koans, Case 19
(from a poem by Taneda Santoka)


Registration is FREE for members, or you may
elect to donate $10.

Dana and donations are gratefully accepted and may be added to your order during checkout.

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Read about member benefits

Once you register, you’ll get a Zoom link in your emailed receipt for access to Thursday Zen at 4 pm Pacific Time.