Podcast Series: Meeting the Inconceivable with PZI
Stay tuned, dear Zen friends! Our new podcast is on its way.
Meeting the Inconceivable is a podcast produced by Pacific Zen Institute for exploring Zen koans, dreams, and the creative life.
Pacific Zen Institute is a lively community of artists, innovators, and seekers of all kinds extending worldwide through our online temple. Our mission is to create a culture of transformation through meditation, koans, the arts, and conversations about the deepest matters.
Our talks weave traditional Zen and koan practice with poetry, art, archetypal and Jungian psychology, and eastern and western myth.
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WELCOME! At PZI we’re creating a culture of transformation through meditation, koans, conversation, and the arts. Explore and connect in PZI Zen Online events, our extensive Koans and Liberation Project Archive (KALPA), and more.
Video: This Is the Treasure – with John Tarrant
From our KALPA Archive: Dharma talk given by John Tarrant on the last eve of Winter Sesshin 2023.