PZI Teacher Archives

The Universe Is in a Tea Bowl


We are lost many times in our lives. I suppose that is what suffering is: The feeling that we lost our wallet, the person we depended on, or the mind we are used to. These are all a matter of identity, and it’s nice to get them back, but who knows, maybe it’s a hindrance too. Complete session on May 28th, 2023, with music from Michael Wilding & Jordan McConnell.


I heard a friend was having a difficult time and called to check in. I found myself saying encouraging things: “Don’t blame yourself, don’t blame others either, you’ll never find your way through by doing that.” Then I thought, oh no, l’m giving advice, a sincere movement but not really satisfying.

A phrase from a calligraphy in one of the sub-temples of Daitokoji appeared in my mind:

The universe is in a tea bowl.

This phrase seemed like an open window. The view became larger.

We are lost many times in our lives. I suppose that is what suffering is: The feeling that we lost our wallet, the person we depended on, or the mind we are used to. These are all a matter of identity, and it’s nice to get them back, but who knows, maybe it’s a hindrance too.

The universe is in a tea bowl.

Wandering through the temple rooms of Daitokuji, I saw sayings such as “Buddha is your thoughts and feelings.” Then I saw a sign pointing to a path into the trees, saying, “Go into Nature and meet the Buddha.”

I liked that, too.

—John Tarrant

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