PZI Teacher Archives



Poem August 2, 2023

Ceremonies: Spring Prospects

John Tarrant

Dufu’s The View This Spring, Changan, 757. This is a poem to be read in time of war.

93 Words
Audio March 7, 2022

The Journey Itself Is Home

John Tarrant

We think about getting to that perfect destination, but it is the journey itself that is it. A lightness in our path comes of each step we take into eternity. Music from Michael Wilding, Amaryllis Fletcher & Jordan McConnell. February 20, 2022.

73' 0"
Audio March 1, 2022

Setting the Mind to Rest

John Tarrant

How do we set the mind at rest in times of war and turbulence? The practice was made in and for times like these. The art of practice is to be at peace in the middle of all the forces: climate change, disaster, war, disease, famine. Jordan McConnell chants a dharani, a sacred spell to ward off danger and dispel demons. Can’t hurt! February 27, 2022.

65' 44"