PZI Teacher Archives
Ceremonies: Spring Prospects
Dufu’s The View This Spring, Changan, 757. This is a poem to be read in time of war.
The Kingdom Is at Peace
Nothing like a return from eight days in the hospital—an episode of great pain to make spring even more welcome. John tells his story of being hospitalized, and the legend of the painter of a yellow crane who disappears on the back of his creation. There is nothing to do or dread in pain. The heart opens: there are no barriers in evolving consciousness. Complete Sunday Zen session from April 12, 2023.
The Kingdom Is at Peace
Nothing like a return from eight days in the hospital—an episode of great pain to make spring even more welcome. John tells his story of being hospitalized, and the legend of the painter of a yellow crane who disappears on the back of his creation. There is nothing to do or dread in pain. The heart opens: there are no barriers in evolving consciousness. Complete Sunday Zen session from April 12, 2023.
Mowing the Grasses – April First Wise Foolishness
David Parks Roshi of Bluegrass Zen in Kentucky enters spring with mowing grasses and contemplating weeds. Zen online dharma talk as recorded April 1st, 2021.
The Lilies of New Life: Deepest Indigo
The Lilies of New Life: It is spring and John reads poetry of the season. Original music performed by Jordan McConnell, as recorded Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. PZI Zen Online.