PZI Teacher Archives


Audio April 1, 2023

Zen Luminaries: Shamanic Bones, Dark Gates – with Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Jon Joseph

Zen Luminary Earthlyn Manuel joins Jon Joseph in a conversation about lifelong practice in many traditions, including Zen. They talk about the importance of balancing dark and light, her oracle cards, teaching names, continuing work on behalf of children, upbringing in folk medicine, brief participation in plant medicine, and more. Includes readings from her books, The Shamanic Bones of Zen and Opening to Darkness. Recorded March 27, 2023.

86' 40"
Video June 2, 2022

Losing a Pet & the Ritual of Passing in Every Moment

Allison Atwill

As part of Tess Beasley’s Memorial Day teaching, Allison Atwill comments on the death of Poppet, a difficult but beloved sheep. A ritual to mark the passing of someone you love, and the passing that is happening in every moment, is a vital gift of practice. 5 minutes. May 29, 2022. 5-1/2 minutes.

5' 35"
Audio July 16, 2020
25' 48"