PZI Teacher Archives


Video July 23, 2019
21' 47"
Video October 24, 2018

Your Life is Right Here

John Tarrant

John’s evening talking is brief, yet poignant. There is a light and a joy and they are here now. It doesn’t wait until you improve yourself, your partner, enemy, or live in a different colored state.

6' 58"
Audio November 13, 2017

Retreat Curiosity

Rachel Boughton

Rachel Boughton gives a talk during Fall Retreat: October 12, 2014.

59' 32"
Video July 6, 2017

Taking Care of Yourself on Retreat

Rachel Boughton

Rachel Boughton, Sensei, talks about working with koans and being kind to yourself at a long meditation retreat. July 14, 2014.

31' 38"