PZI Teacher Archives
The Way Things Are Is Mysterious and Hard to See
Allison, Tess and Jesse lead us into the heart of PZI practice—what it means to take refuge, how to work with vows as koans, and how, at its root, our life in itself before we’ve improved it is an expression of the Bodhisattva Way.
Refuge – No Escape Hatch
It is part of being human to have complex, multiple views. We are always communing with what is here. There is no escape hatch out of this life into another one. Where would we go? When we let go of imposing conditions on our life, then there is a profound freedom—refuge allows that. And we find there is a beautiful helplessness to our condition.
Refuge – No Escape Hatch
It is part of being human to have complex, multiple views. We are always communing with what is here. There is no escape hatch out of this life into another one. Where would we go? The Dao takes its own time with our intractable problems and suffering. We already know we want to live the truest, most authentic life we can, before we think refuge.
Dharma Theme: Creatures of the Summer Dawn – Summer Sesshin 2023
Here you will find links to audio and video dharma talks from PZI’s Great Summer Sesshin: Creatures of the Summer Dawn with John Tarrant & PZI Teachers. Includes music from Amaryllis Fletcher, Michael Wilding and Jordan McConnell. Held in person at Santa Sabina Center from June 12–18, 2023.
Refuge Changes You
Refuge is a path that opens a way toward life and awakening. Life is paradoxical, and with refuge a new responsiveness emerges, which introduces more freedom into any given situation—it prompts a response that accords with all things. John and Tess discuss the nature of refuge, origin of rakusus, Zen names and more.
Summer Sesshin: Journey of Refuge
Tess Beasley gives a talk on refuge at Summer Sesshin, on June 18, 2022. Complete session. 52 minutes.
Koans on the Journey of Refuge
From a talk given by Tess Beasley in Summer Sesshin on June 15, 2022. 3 minutes.
Impossible Vows
From a talk in Summer Sesshin on refuge and vows, given by Tess Beasley. Recorded June 15, 2022.
Summer Sesshin: Journey of Refuge
Tess Beasley describes touchstones of the journey for participants taking refuge vows at Summer Sesshin. Refuge entails committing to the vows as koans, a ceremony with teachers and community, and receiving the rakusu. Complete talk in Summer Sesshin on June 18, 2022.
VIDEO: Refuge vs Creating the Self with Tess Beasley
Tess Beasley tells a story reflecting on the creation of the self vs the vast field that the precepts live in. April 27, 2021. 3 minutes.
VIDEO: Refuge vs Creating the Self with Jesse Cardin
Jess Cardin tells a story about making rock candy. Reflecting on the creation of the self vs the vast field that the precepts live in. April 27, 2021. 3 minutes.
How the Precepts Arrive in Your Life
Allison Atwill talks about the way that awakening arrives: in a particular form, only for you, an encounter among all other possibilities in all the galaxies. Precepts speak to us when we feel separate from others—we are in the realm of the precepts, and freedom is possible. Recorded April 27, 2021. 3 minutes.
Special Program: 4 Teachers & 4 Boundless Vows: 1st Vow – with Allison Atwill
Part 1, “I vow to wake all the beings of the world.” Allison Atwill introduces the 1st of the 4 Vows, noticing the grandeur and awe of an impossible task. One’s own room expanding outwards, vow as a prayer in service of awakening. How to save all beings? By including them, now. That which has already been born, allow it to be here and find its place. Excerpt from the Sunday session on August 1, 2021.
Refuge Ceremony in Winter Sesshin
Evening refuge ceremony with PZI Teachers, in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 20, 2018.
Obstacles & Gates: Refuge & the Bodhisattva Path
Deshan is determined to prove his scholarly certainty. He encounters two teachers who help him see the light. John talks about refuge; What is it? Why take refuge? What is the rakusu? PZI’s approach—working with refuge vows as koans. Zen ultimately rests in mystery and uncertainty. Linji says, “Have confidence in the light always working inside you.” Music with Jordan McConnell. Sunday talk as recorded Feb. 28th, 2021.
Refuge as Initiation
John Tarrant presents a dharma talk about taking refuge in the Pacific Zen Institute tradition as an initiatory process.