PZI Teacher Archives

poet Naomi Shihab Nye

Text November 26, 2022
6480 Words
Video November 17, 2022

Zen Luminary: Poet Naomi Shihab Nye

Jon Joseph

Poet, teacher and essayist Naomi Shihab Nye, recorded in conversation with Jon Joseph Roshi in June of 2022.

90' 14"
Video July 1, 2022

Zen Luminaries: An Intention to Connect – with Naomi Shihab Nye

Jon Joseph

In a Zen Luminaries Series conversation with Jon Joseph, Ms. Nye reads her prose-poem, Gate A4, and recounts a synchronous meeting at an airport gate while waiting on a delayed flight. Recorded June 27, 2022. 7 minutes.

7' 41"
Video June 30, 2022

Zen Luminaries: Having a Big Life – with Naomi Shihab Nye

Jon Joseph

Poet Naomi Shihab Nye remembers childhood noticing and curiosity about the world—a desire, formed early, to have a big life, still drives her. From a Zen Luminaries Series conversation with Jon Joseph, recorded June 27, 2022. 7 minutes.

7' 58"
Audio December 3, 2020

Excerpt: Small Kindnesses – Journey Into Awakening

John Tarrant

PZI Zen Online: Excerpt from Journey Into Awakening. John Tarrant reads Naomi Nye’s famous poem, Kindness. Losing everything to find it. Every day small kindnesses open into the silence. The universe is so rich in destinations that you are always already in one! As recorded Nov 29 2020. 21 minutes.

21' 8"
Audio November 29, 2020

The Journey Into Awakening: Kindnesses in Your Wild Temple

John Tarrant

People go to wild places to find their true nature. The wild is here, right now, in your own wild temple. Anything can happen in the wildness of now. Small kindnesses open into the silence. The universe is so rich in destinations and you are already in one! The beauty of gathering for meditation in difficult times. Music from Jordan McConnell, Amaryllis Fletcher. PZI Zen Online. Complete session as recorded Nov. 29, 2020. 60 minutes.

65' 3"
Text September 18, 2020

Secret Fidelity & One Finger Zen, Even in the Bardos

John Tarrant

I think this is a time when things are kind of changing and incredibly uncertain, and that fidelity to what’s really true to us is important and valuable. And we don’t have to pretend that when difficulties are here, they’re not here. But also, we don’t have to pretend that they cancel the illumination, because nothing does, really. Even if we’re dying, the brightness of life is still there. And after we’re dead, we’ll worry about that later, [laughs] when the time comes in the bardos.

7528 Words
Audio May 26, 2020

Secret Fidelity & One Finger Zen, Even in the Bardos

John Tarrant

PZI Zen Online: A woman’s story of awakening, and meeting with the mysterious prediction of teacher Heavenly Dragon. The absurdity of life’s journey. A meeting with a strange woman and her interrupting request, “Say a word of Zen!” How do you allow something different to arise? This—one finger! As recorded May 24, 2020.

94' 49"