PZI Teacher Archives


Text November 2, 2023

The Way Things Are Is Mysterious and Hard to See

Allison Atwill, Jesse Cardin, Tess Beasley

Allison, Tess and Jesse lead us into the heart of PZI practice—what it means to take refuge, how to work with vows as koans, and how, at its root, our life in itself before we’ve improved it is an expression of the Bodhisattva Way.

7365 Words


Dharma Theme August 1, 2023
51 Words
Video July 11, 2022

The Mysterious Source of the Bright

John Tarrant

John Tarrant talks about the mysterious source of things at Summer Sesshin. Recorded on June 14, 2022. 3 minutes.

3' 53"
Video July 8, 2022

Now You Have It!

John Tarrant

John shares a teacher’s dream story. What if the mystery teaching you seek is something you already have? It’s a noble thing to be in the Dharma. Recorded at Summer Sesshin on June 14th, 2022. 4 minutes.

2' 53"
Audio February 24, 2022

Winter Sesshin: Winter Silence Opening Night

John Tarrant, PZI Cantor & Musicians, PZI Teachers

John Tarrant and PZI Teachers welcome us and speak the koan into the vessel of sesshin. Heads of Practice Chris Gaffney and Jan Brogan say welcoming words. John speaks about the power of silence, and tending the mystery together in the Winter Temple. Closing words from Jon Joseph. Music from Michael Wilding, Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher, and Jordan McConnell. As recorded on February 1, 2022.

41' 57"


Article September 10, 2021

You Don’t Have to Know

John Tarrant

It’s easy to forget to be curious, and to grab an off-the-shelf knowledge, something like “This is awful.” Not reaching for off-the-shelf understandings, though, is an important skill.

1073 Words
Audio July 7, 2021

Spring Equinox – Return from the Dark: Transmission – It’s Not Outside of You

John Tarrant

Transmission happens when we let our hearts open. It comes from a free heart. Babies are transmission devices! Taking up the koan you are given—a little temple to live in. Koans do what they do without consulting anyone. The work reveals a wonderful quality, of the world coming to meet us. The great lesson: It’s not outside of you, and you can’t legislate your own enlightenment! 4 Vows: Jordan McConnell. As recorded March 21, 2021.

80' 1"
Audio June 8, 2021

Dragons of the Blue Cliff Retreat – Part 2: Hands & Eyes

John Tarrant

How does the bodhisattva of compassion use all those hands and eyes? How do I express Guanyin? How is Guanyin showing up in my life? John Tarrant’s afternoon meditation & talk, Part 2 of this two-session Dragons of the Blue Cliff 1-Day Retreat. In the PZI Digital Temple, as recorded June 6, 2021.

0 Words
Audio June 2, 2021

Free & Easy Wandering Series: Mysterious Meetings in a Mysterious Time

John Tarrant

We’ve been in a long monastic retreat during this pandemic. Time has slowed. We are opening up gradually now to the world, as more people are vaccinated. We realize we are not going back to anything. The time is changing. We’re all stepping off into the mysterious. Musician: Jordan McConnell. PZI Zen Online: Sunday talk as recorded May 23, 2021.

113' 20"
Audio April 27, 2021

The Way Things Are Is Mysterious & Hard to See – Refuge Vows As Koans

Allison Atwill, Jesse Cardin, Tess Beasley

Allison Atwill, Tess Beasley & Jesse Cardin lead us into the heart of PZI practice—what it means to take refuge, and how to work with the vows as koans. Purification Sutra and vows sung and played by musician Jordan McConnell. PZI Digital Temple. As recorded April 25, 2021.

70' 47"
Text March 1, 2021

One Day, My Child, All This Will Be Yours

John Tarrant

Australia’s ancient forests were burning in September 2020. In the face of unfathomable loss John Tarrant writes, “It’s too early to despair, it’s always too early to despair. The world itself is a mystery school and teaches us what it needs. It gives us impossible tasks and impossible journeys, and all we can say is that we love the world without knowing outcomes, because it is the only world we have, and because we never do know outcomes.” Article for Lion’s Roar magazine, published September 14, 2020.

2045 Words
Audio May 28, 2020

Song Man – Finding a Song

Jesse Cardin

PZI Zen Online Audio: Jesse talks about the creative practice of koan work and finding (writing) a song, following the breadcrumbs of insight, allowing the uncertainty. Everything moves toward “birth with the Stone Woman.” He tells the Maralung koan about a Song Man who finds and finally remembers his song. Includes snippets of the song Jesse is writing. As recorded May 27, 2020.

73' 16"
Video December 26, 2019

Walking the Mysterious Path Together – Koans, Transformation & PZI

John Tarrant

John Tarrant, Roshi, Director of PZI and author, talks about the mystery of meditation as he first experienced it in the ancient forests of Queensland; about transformation on the ancient koan path we follow, and the evolution of Pacific Zen Institute as a community, and koan school with a new online resource center, the KALPA (Koans and Liberation Project Archive) Library. Your support helps produce PZI’s ongoing retreats and dharma talks, John’s writing projects, and spreads the teachings. 8 minutes. January 2019

8' 16"