PZI Teacher Archives

Mount Madonna Center

Audio September 23, 2019

Zhuangzi and the Dung Beetle Dream

David Weinstein

David tells the story of Zhuangzi and his dream of transformation: gaining the capacity to dream yourself into anything—butterfly, dung beetle, peacock, cockroach—finding yourself in the dream in whatever form. We can’t know we are in a dream or not until we wake—we are constantly changing and transforming.

56' 47"
Video August 17, 2019

Where Impurity Meets Purity

Jon Joseph

Jon Joseph talks about delusion and awakening in Zhuangzi. The treasure house of heaven. (Some sound anomalies we are striving to correct – but wanted you to have access to the talk after Summer Sesshin. – KALPA Team)

27' 48"
Video August 15, 2019

The Transformation of Things

Allison Atwill

Allison talks about the transformation of things from a story in the Zhuangzi, where Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly. Our plans to become a butterfly are a kind of pressing into ourselves and the world. The flaw is in thinking we have to learn how to transform. Morning dharma talk in Summer Sesshin at Mount Madonna Center, recorded in July 2019.

58' 22"
Video August 2, 2019
31' 33"
Video July 23, 2019
21' 47"