PZI Teacher Archives
Zen Luminaries: No-Gate Gateway and The Blue Cliff Record: A Visit with Author David Hinton
There are no answers, only depths … but the depths—oh my, the depths are wondrous indeed! For those depths are beyond the words and explanations and understanding that answers normally entail—and there, anything and anywhere is the answer: willow seed fluff swarming sunlit through afternoon skies, hummingbird probing blue-violet iris blossoms veined gold, someone answering a knock at the courtyard gate …
Zen Luminaries: A Fire Runs Through All Things – Jon Joseph in Conversation with Filmmaker, Writer & Zen Teacher Susan Murphy
Writer, filmmaker, and Zen teacher Susan Murphy joins host Jon Joseph to talk about koans for facing the climate crisis. About her recent book, John Tarrant writes: “As in a fairy tale, we have the impossible task of saving the earth. We know there are sensible things that are good to do but we must also do what we haven’t thought of—seeing our lives and the earth with fresh eyes.”
Like trees and giraffes, delusions appear to be the opposite of emptiness. But when you really settle into being lost and uncertain, that is an open gate. It comes to be called “here.”
Great Silence at the Beginning: It’s Everywhere
If awakening could come from anywhere, how would that change things for you? Wherever you are, even in the places you are certain the silence is NOT, it is there, enfolding you. Even at Walmart with a toddler, in a flood, or at the doctor’s office—it is there, blooming. From a January Sunday Zen session on January 15, 2023. 10 minutes.
What’s Possible if I’m Not Making a Me
Tess talks about how koans ferret out our strategies for making a me, from a dharma talk in Summer Sesshin, June 15, 2022. 2 minutes.
What Is It To Be YOU?
Look, right now! Do you notice? John Tarrant gives inquiry koans on the first day of Summer Sesshin. Recorded on June 14, 2022. 2 minutes.
Dharma Theme: John Tarrant’s Zenosaurus Koans 1–19
ZENOSAURUS: 19 Koans with introductions and commentaries from John Tarrant, as first published on his website, tarrantworks.
Zen Luminaries Archive: A Series of Conversations with Host Jon Joseph Roshi
Modern Zen Luminaries: A series of Zen Buddhist scholars, writers, poets, translators, and practitioners join PZI’s Jon Joseph Roshi for lively discussions online, with a focus on our Chan lineage. Includes all recordings beginning with the series’ launch in September 2021.
Tortoise Mountain Wakes Up! This Very Matter Is It
John Tarrant on friendship and the kindness at the heart of things. Mazu’s “The whole meaning of your life is in the current matter.” This very heart mind is it! The sweetness, and even the gnarly bits of friendship are part of the intimacy at the center of meeting. Zen is about meeting—we make friends with each koan and allow the universe to work with and through us. Jordan McConnell on guitar. Complete Sunday Zen session recorded January 31, 2021.
KALPA FAQs – How to find what you are looking for in the PZI Library
KALPA FAQ’s – How to find what you are looking for in the PZI Library.