PZI Teacher Archives
Kamakura Zendo
Zen Luminaries: Saving the Earth, Helping the People: A Visit with Governor Jerry Brown
Throughout Governor Jerry Brown’s half century of politics—one of the most fascinating and effective public careers in California history—there has always run a deep moral and religious stream. Brown talks with co-hosts Jon Joseph, John Tarrant and David Weinstein about his evolving quest for an authentic spiritual and political life.
Zen Luminaries: Saving the Earth, Helping the People: A Visit with Governor Jerry Brown
Throughout Governor Jerry Brown’s half century of politics—one of the most fascinating and effective public careers in California history—there has always run a deep moral and religious stream. Brown talks with co-hosts Jon Joseph, John Tarrant and David Weinstein about his evolving quest for an authentic spiritual and political life.
An Invitation to Life – Deshan & His Bowls
PZI Zen Online: An Invitation to Life – Deshan with his bowls coming in at the wrong bell without distress, his complete integration. The universe is always inviting us and it is in that subtle moment ‘before’ the invitation. Koan practice helps us – we are grabbed by a piece of the koan – the universe talking. Play is key, and a willingness to accept that invitation to embrace life. As recorded Aug 3 2020.