PZI Teacher Archives
Jon Joseph
Isn’t This the Sound? A Night of Celtic Pub Music in the Zendo
It is a grand tradition in Irish and Scottish pubs for musicians to join jam sessions which break up only when the sun peeks over the hayfields. That kind of amazing musical collaboration involves hundreds of songs over dozens of hours. Jordan McConnell: “We would be in the middle of a piece of music and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Something’s about to change, but I’ve no idea what’s coming up.’ Then my hand goes to where it needs to be and my mind just follows along.”
Where Impurity Meets Purity
Jon Joseph talks about delusion and awakening in Zhuangzi. The treasure house of heaven. (Some sound anomalies we are striving to correct – but wanted you to have access to the talk after Summer Sesshin. – KALPA Team)