PZI Teacher Archives


Audio November 24, 2020

Excerpt: An Impossible Task – Journey Into Awakening

John Tarrant

PZI Zen Online: Excerpt from The Journey Into Awakening. A story especially for this Covid lockdown Thanksgiving. A woman gets a task that seems impossible and which she must practice without fail for a year. As recorded Nov. 22, 2020. 17 minutes.

17' 2"
Audio May 20, 2020

Stories from the Interior – Solitude & Loneliness

Allison Atwill

Solitude as resting in vastness: taking the role of host everywhere and abiding nowhere. Loneliness—you may even be in the company of others, but something is missing. Allison revisits childhood’s solitude and the solitude of mountain trails. Abiding “somewhere” keeps us out of vastness.

83' 35"