PZI Teacher Archives


Text November 2, 2023

The Way Things Are Is Mysterious and Hard to See

Allison Atwill, Jesse Cardin, Tess Beasley

Allison, Tess and Jesse lead us into the heart of PZI practice—what it means to take refuge, how to work with vows as koans, and how, at its root, our life in itself before we’ve improved it is an expression of the Bodhisattva Way.

7365 Words
Video May 10, 2023

Things I Thought I Knew

Jesse Cardin

Jesse Cardin responds to the intimacy of intensely difficult moments, including frustration and delight with his son, while moving house from the mainland to Hawai’i. When everything is included, even the most difficult things, people, or events, then intimacy is possible and uncertainty is a friend. Complete session recorded May 7, 2023.

63' 5"
Audio May 8, 2023

Things I Thought I Knew

Jesse Cardin

Jesse Cardin responds to the intimacy of intensely difficult moments, including frustration and delight with his son, while moving house from the mainland to Hawai’i. When everything is included, even the most difficult things, people, or events, then intimacy is possible and uncertainty is a friend. Complete Sunday Zen session recorded May 7, 2023.

63' 5"
Video April 1, 2023

The Red Thread

Tess Beasley

The red thread holds all the great forces, the fraught encounters, and intense relationships with people. Why are we so entangled? Will we find a place of ease and peace that severs the complications of the red thread? Is that even a good idea? Connection is a way we understand our own hearts. Complete Sunday Zen session with Guest Host Tess Beasley, Music for meditation from Michael Wilding vows with Amaryllis Fletcher & Jesse Cardin. As recorded March 26, 2023.

74' 35"
Video March 29, 2023

Touch & Nearness – Benefits of the Red Thread

Tess Beasley

A short reading extolls the benefits of the Red Thread, from a Sunday Zen session with guest host Tess Beasley. A student of Socrates notes how much he profits from the nearness of the teacher even when the lesson remains obscure. Recorded March 26, 2023.

1' 17"
Audio March 29, 2023

The Red Thread

Tess Beasley

The red thread holds all the great forces, the fraught encounters, and intense relationships with people. Why are we so entangled? Will we find a place of ease and peace that severs the complications of the red thread? Is that even a good idea? Complete Sunday Zen session with Tess Beasley and music for meditation from Michael Wilding. Recorded March 26, 2023.

74' 35"
Video July 12, 2022

Talking to a Rock

Tess Beasley

Rocks come to everyone’s aid at a gathering, bringing enchantment and connection. From a talk in Summer Sesshin, June 15, 2022. 5 minutes.

5' 6"
Video July 12, 2022

What’s Possible if I’m Not Making a Me

Tess Beasley

Tess talks about how koans ferret out our strategies for making a me, from a dharma talk in Summer Sesshin, June 15, 2022. 2 minutes.

2' 21"
Text July 13, 2021

Solstice, Juneteenth, a Butterfly Flies Up!

John Tarrant

Even a time of torpor, or a time when plans come apart, or we thought the culture was going in one way and it’s going in another—we rely on the spaciousness, we rely on not what we’ve planned and schemed, but we rely on what’s been opened up in our hearts. Transcript from the PZI Zen Online recording from Sunday, June 21, 2020.

6403 Words


Article May 6, 2021

Enlightenment Is Something We Do Together

John Tarrant

Conversation is itself a kind of meditation, a way we can accompany each other through life. We can share errors, painful mistakes, dreams, losses, discoveries, or just the ordinary glowing things. That’s a good day. Article by John Tarrant published in Lion’s Roar magazine February 18, 2014.

901 Words
Text February 5, 2021

The Everlasting Body Runs Deepest Indigo: Meditation for Troubled Times

John Tarrant

It’s a very strong thing to be human, you can be subjected to all sorts of great forces. And sometimes you can win through, and sometimes you die. But we’re all of us doing that, all the time. So I was thinking about how good it is to love each other, to meet each other, and to make peace in our hearts. Sunday talk with John Tarrant, recorded June 14 2020.

6874 Words
Audio January 2, 2021

A Winter Tale with the Guanyins

Allison Atwill, Michelle Riddle, Sarah Bender, Tess Beasley

Four Women Zen Teachers of PZI tell a winter tale, the story of a vast moment that interrupted a battle in the middle of World War I. The Guanyins Allison Atwill, Tess Beasley, Sarah Bender & Michelle Riddle share the telling and teaching with meditation, poetry and reflection. Jordan McConnell on guitar. PZI Zen Online, as recorded Dec. 27, 2020.

69' 16"
Audio November 29, 2020

The Journey Into Awakening: Kindnesses in Your Wild Temple

John Tarrant

People go to wild places to find their true nature. The wild is here, right now, in your own wild temple. Anything can happen in the wildness of now. Small kindnesses open into the silence. The universe is so rich in destinations and you are already in one! The beauty of gathering for meditation in difficult times. Music from Jordan McConnell, Amaryllis Fletcher. PZI Zen Online. Complete session as recorded Nov. 29, 2020. 60 minutes.

65' 3"
Audio October 19, 2020

Zen Tuesdays: Doors of Perception with Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill

The immensity of sound as it permeates barriers. Cracks are showing in our traditions and conventions, trying to get back to the old imperfect life. Jim Morrison and The Doors offer up “Light My Fire” as rendered on the Ed Sullivan show. Allison Atwill Roshi’s Zen Tuesday dharma talk recorded October 12, 2020.

80' 38"
Audio May 20, 2020

The Open Hand Way

David Parks

Audio PZI Zen Online – David Parks with the 3rd of his zoom sessions on The Bird Path. Returns to the question: Where are you coming from? What we come out of in this time. Where we change our focus. As recorded May 14 2020.

82' 48"
Audio May 12, 2020

Talking to a Rock

Tess Beasley

Tess talks about Zoom fatigue and what that implies. Practice as a way of focusing attention on noticing, or ‘how things become unhidden.’ The intimacy of noticing and being noticed. As recorded April 28th, 2020.

78' 9"
Audio April 26, 2020

Knock on Any Door, Someone Will Answer

Allison Atwill

PZI Zen Online Audio: Allison sits with the beautiful preface to the Blue Cliff Record, before Bodhidharma’s encounter with Emperor Wu. Noticing our strategies for controlling experience, which shut life out. Issa’s story of love and loss. As recorded April 21 2020.

85' 15"
Audio April 8, 2020

Not Knowing Is Most Intimate

Sarah Bender

PZI Zen Online Audio: Sarah Bender Roshi reflects on the intimacy of not knowing, the nearness of all of us in this dreamy emergent time. Wandering and not knowing are allies now. Includes Sarah’s intro & dharma talk, silent meditation segments, and sharing. As recorded April 3 2020.

91' 1"
Audio April 3, 2020

Layman Pang Falls Down

Tess Beasley

Layman Pang and his daughter Lingzhao fall down for different reasons in this koan. Tess leads the group through a meditation and talk on how the koan entered her life; followed by comments from other meditators on the nature of intimacy. Some silent meditation segments are included. As recorded March 30, 2020.

69' 25"
Audio March 30, 2020

Stop the Dogs Barking at Midnight!

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill talks us through the first indications of our new normal. Tenderness for the smallest things. Includes silent meditation with the koan, “Stop the dogs barking at midnight!” With poems & reflections. Sunday Zen session recorded March 24, 2020.

63' 14"
Video June 30, 2017

When the Seas Got Rough

Allison Atwill, David Weinstein, John Tarrant, Jon Joseph, Rachel Boughton

“Not deciding it is or it isn’t, do you have the courage to be at peace with this? Everyone wants to leave the endless changes, but when we finish bending and fitting our lives, we come back to sit by the charcoal fire.”

During the final night of the 2015 January sesshin, the teachers have a conversation about identity, art, intimacy, and the nature of koan study.

21' 10"
Video June 26, 2017

Not Knowing Is Most Intimate

John Tarrant

Using the koans Not Knowing is Most Intimate and Taking the Form of Guan Yin Find Shelter for the Homeless Person, John Tarrant talks about the intimacy that comes when we turn toward vulnerability and no longer need to defend against life.

25' 7"