PZI Teacher Archives


Audio March 11, 2024

Isn’t This the Sound? A Night of Celtic Pub Music in the Zendo

Jordan McConnell

It is a grand tradition in Irish and Scottish pubs for musicians to join jam sessions which break up only when the sun peeks over the hayfields. That kind of amazing musical collaboration involves hundreds of songs over dozens of hours. Jordan McConnell: “We would be in the middle of a piece of music and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Something’s about to change, but I’ve no idea what’s coming up.’ Then my hand goes to where it needs to be and my mind just follows along.”

74' 26"
Audio November 29, 2020

Music: Jordan McConnell on Guitar – Journey Into Awakening

Jordan McConnell

PZI Zen Online: Excerpt from Journey Into Awakening. Jordan McConnell on guitar during Sunday meditation. As recorded Nov. 29 2020.

4' 17"
Audio March 29, 2020

Freely I Watch the Tracks of the Flying Birds

John Tarrant

PZI Zen Online Audio: Includes John’s intro and koan, a long meditation segment with Jordan McConnell on guitar. John gives the koan and other guidance throughout the meditation segment followed by a talk and comments. Closing bells, violin, & 4 vows with PZI Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher. As recorded March 29, 2020.

74' 42"