PZI Teacher Archives


Audio September 4, 2024
32' 54"
Video August 27, 2024

Gratitude Like Sunrise Spreads Across the Land

John Tarrant

Gratitude like sunrise spreads across the low horizon. The colors blend and change. It is surprising and penetrates fear, just enough to open an escape hatch.

32' 54"
Audio November 30, 2021

Our Own True Lives: Thank You Very Much!

John Tarrant

Thanksgiving weekend dharma talk on the many-layered and mysterious qualities of gratitude: aspirational, strategic, innocent, etc. The act of giving is pure —any gift is good. A koan story: A teacher gives a student a yearlong task on feeling gratitude. Music for meditation from Michael Wilding and Jordan McConnell, Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher on violin introducing the Four Vows.

63' 46"


Article September 10, 2021

What Are the Practices of Gratitude?

John Tarrant

“Gratitude is something that I haven’t planned on—either to receive or to give—it takes me by surprise. It arrives out of nowhere. It’s the part of happiness that is beyond selfishness. My gratitude doesn’t have a lot of discrimination, and I like that.”

1213 Words
Audio November 27, 2017

Every Day is a Good Day

John Tarrant

A student asked Yunmen: ‘I don’t ask you about before the full moon, what about after the full moon teacher?’ Yunmen replied ‘Every day is a good day’. A side story to this koan is that Yunmen was ill when the student came to visit and he was asking him about his health. There is a light which shines through everything: the day, the moment, an illness, even our problems.

54' 45"