PZI Teacher Archives
Four Boundless Vows
2023 Fall Retreat: Opening Night Welcome
Fall Retreat Opening Night: A welcoming dharma talk from John Tarrant and a welcome to retreat from Heads of Practice Jan Brogan and Chris Gaffney. Closing words from Tess Beasley. Four Boundless Vows with guitarist Jordan McConnell, closing bells and blessings from Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher.
I Vow: The Four Boundless Vows, A Cappella
A beautiful, personal a cappella rendition of the four boundless vows from Jesse Cardin Roshi, sung at the end of the Red Thread Sunday Zen session with guest host Tess Beasley. Recorded March 26, 2023.
Music with Jordan: The Four Boundless Vows
Jordan McConnell plays and sings the Four Boundless Vows for John Tarrant’s Sunday Session on May 22, 2022.
The 4 Boundless Vows: New Guitar or Old?
Jordan McConnell plays the Four Boundless Vows on a new guitar—or maybe an old one? It has a distinctive sound worth a listen. Recorded December 5th, 2021. 3 minutes.
The 4 Boundless Vows, in Harmony
A beautiful version of the 4 Boundless Vows for 2 harmonizing voices. It blooms! Thanks to Rose Joseph & her friend Delfine. As recorded during Jon Joseph’s Monday evening talk on September 20th, 2021.
Special Program: 4 Teachers & 4 Boundless Vows: Opening Words – with John Tarrant
John Tarrant’s welcome and introduction to a special program on The Four Boundless Vows and the Bodhisattva path. We are each in the true temple; it’s always happening here, and everyone holds it. Meditation and opening words: the beauty of practice and of the path, the way we teach through stories in Zen, and inclusion of the Daoist view that “the world does fine on its own.” Excerpt from the Sunday session recorded August 1, 2021.
Special Program: 4 Teachers & 4 Boundless Vows: 3rd Vow – with Jon Joseph
Part 3: I vow to walk through every wisdom gate. Jon Joseph talks about the 3rd of the 4 Vows, and asks, What is a wisdom gate? How do we walk through? The impossibility of the vow, the impossibility of our lives—this is exactly where we should be. The endless nature of unfolding and of always-appearing wisdom gates. What is my part in the world? By becoming a koan, or a vow, we set up a resonance with it, and begin to soak in it—not separate! Excerpt from the Sunday session on August 1, 2021.
Special Program: 4 Teachers & 4 Boundless Vows: 2nd Vow – with Tess Beasley
Part 2: I vow to set endless heartache to rest. Tess talks about the 2nd of the 4 Vows, the richness of heartache, and how we are drenched in tenderness and love for the world. Fearing drowning, we put up walls: “This shouldn’t be happening.” Seeing the endlessness of it allows it to move through, trusting the great river which carries us along. Setting heartache to rest is setting a kind of certainty to rest. Excerpt from the Sunday session on August 1, 2021.
Special Program: 4 Teachers & 4 Boundless Vows: 1st Vow – with Allison Atwill
Part 1, “I vow to wake all the beings of the world.” Allison Atwill introduces the 1st of the 4 Vows, noticing the grandeur and awe of an impossible task. One’s own room expanding outwards, vow as a prayer in service of awakening. How to save all beings? By including them, now. That which has already been born, allow it to be here and find its place. Excerpt from the Sunday session on August 1, 2021.
Special Program: 4 Teachers & 4 Boundless Vows – Complete Session
Allison Atwill, John Tarrant, Jon Joseph, Jordan McConnell, Michael Wilding, Michelle Riddle, Tess Beasley
On practice and path: become the Way, and illumination is always with you. A dive into the sources, history, and meaning of the 4 Great Bodhisattva Vows; how PZI teachers and students work with them towards the ceremony of Refuge and taking up the path. Each teacher takes up one of the Vows. Teachers chant and intone Vows in English and Sino-Japanese; Michael Wilding recites, Jordan McConnell singing and on guitar. Complete session recorded August 1, 2021.
Guitar and Vocals: The Four Boundless Vows with Jordan McConnell
Jordan McConnell on guitar and vocals, playing a variation on PZI’s Four Boundless Vows. From a Sunday Meditation & Talk with Allison Atwill & Tess Beasley, as recorded May 30, 2021. PZI Zen Online.
Spring Sesshin 2021: Four Boundless Vows with Jordan McConnell
Jordan McConnell sings and plays the Four Boundless Vows with Amaryllis Fletcher on bells and violin. As recorded April 7, 2021.
The Everlasting Body Runs Deepest Indigo: Meditation for Troubled Times
It’s a very strong thing to be human, you can be subjected to all sorts of great forces. And sometimes you can win through, and sometimes you die. But we’re all of us doing that, all the time. So I was thinking about how good it is to love each other, to meet each other, and to make peace in our hearts. Sunday talk with John Tarrant, recorded June 14 2020.
Fall Sesshin 2020: Music – Four Boundless Vows with Jordan McConnell
PZI Fall Sesshin: Jordan McConnell’s beautiful rendition of the the Four Boundless Vows. As recorded October 2, 2020.
The Four Boundless Vows with Ryan McCoy
Audio: A gift from musician Ryan McCoy to PZI. Ryan’s rendition of the Four Boundless Vows, guitar and vocals. Thank you, Ryan!
Four Boundless Vows Recorded Live – with Jordan McConnell
A gift to us all from Jordan McConnell, on guitar and vocals: His version of PZI’s Four Boundless Vows, recorded in his studio, without the anomalies of zoom! Thank you, Jordan.
Saturday Afternoon Sutra Service
Audio: Sutra Service Saturday June 27th. Amaryllis Fletcher Cantor, Ryan McCoy: All Buddhas, Cross on Over and Jordan McConnell singsus out with the Four Boundless Vows.
Audio Excerpt: Four Boundless Vows & Evening Words
Audio excerpt: Sesshin closing music, four bondless vows announced by Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher and sung by Ryan McCoy.
Audio: All Buddhas, All Beings, One Body
Audio: Original PZI version of The Four Boundless Vows – All Buddhas, All Beings, One Body. Written and performed by Richie Dominguez.
Closing for Winter Sesshin – Cantor Amaryllis & Sutra Band
Thanks to our wonderful Winter Sesshin 2020 Sutra Band: Jordan McConnell on Guitar & Bagpipes, Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher, Violin & Bells, Geoff Taylor on drum.