PZI Teacher Archives
Living Words – Yunmen’s You’ve Misspoken
PZI Zen Online – Living words come from the our hearts and the vastness of connection. We try to cut things up to manage our lives. Beliefs inhibit our natural responses and gets in the way of what the universe offers. If we avail ourselves of the mystery – it’s alive! The words love & trust are alive and so are the teachings in the koans.
Adamantine Sea – Dream Diving
The Sea of Ise koan inspires Covid dreaming. Dream vacation – scuba diving in Brooklyn Harbor? What is feared opens to beauty. The dark Sea of Brooklyn held a surprise. As recorded May 18, 2020.
The Open Hand Way
Audio PZI Zen Online – David Parks with the 3rd of his zoom sessions on The Bird Path. Returns to the question: Where are you coming from? What we come out of in this time. Where we change our focus. As recorded May 14 2020.
Fortunate Encounters with Demons, Delusions & Other Unexpected Guests
Tess unleashes demons: Demons abound in this Covid lockdown, and they can be helpful! We have a protective psychic immune system—what triggers a response? Demons tend to employ certainty and cultivate a life-or-death field of response. What are they protecting? Recorded online on May 12, 2020.
Trapped in a Stone Crypt
PZI Zen Online Audio: Michelle Riddle Sensei on what we do when we feel trapped —whether from the Covid 19 lockdown, or our own expectations and beliefs. How do we escape? As recorded April 24 2020.