PZI Teacher Archives
The Golden Wind Is Revealing Itself
We don’t get much say over what the world does and we don’t get much say over what enters our minds. Our job is to hold steady for the world, for those to come, to make a path for people to follow.
The Golden Wind Is Revealing Itself
There are always things in our minds that we didn’t put there. Our job is to hold steady for the world, for those to come, to make a path for people to follow.
Falling with the Koan NO
John Tarrant gives a talk on Zhaozhou’s NO: This koan is often offered as a first “gate,” but I think you need to already be in trouble and falling before it’s useful. Life is always offering us that cliff—that door of falling. When you’re falling, you can’t screw it up because actually there’s not a lot you can do. But what you do will be very free and won’t be constrained by the usual. From a recording made in Fall Sesshin 2022.