PZI Teacher Archives

2021 Summer Sesshin

Text November 23, 2022
4834 Words
Text September 8, 2022

The Great Collaborators of the Blue Cliff Record

John Tarrant

Deep in Summer Sesshin, we are in the middle of the Blue Cliff Record. We, ourselves, are under the Blue Cliff, with Yunmen and Yunmen’s friends. We are all those people. The Blue Cliff is still being written, and we’re helping out with that project.

4662 Words
Audio July 19, 2021

Evening Words: Overheard Conversations – I Share Your Joy!

David Weinstein

David Weinstein sends sesshin participants off for the evening, with some words about how things are shared and handed on. 7 minutes.

6' 13"
Audio July 19, 2021

All Through the Body – Your Unique Recipe for Awakening

Allison Atwill

We are exhausted by our own agendas; in Chan and Zen the Bodhisattva of Great Mercy vows to stay until all beings are awakened. Her primary bond is with uncertainty. Your recipe for awakening is only for you.

55' 15"
Audio July 19, 2021

Musical Meditation

Michael Wilding

Music during meditation: Michael Wilding plays an original composition on flute. Recorded during Summer Sesshin.

4' 58"


Dharma Theme July 19, 2021

Dharma Theme: In the Palace at the Blue Cliff – Summer Sesshin 2021

John Tarrant, PZI Cantor & Musicians, PZI Teachers

Here is a curation of sesshin dharma talks on a single page, for easy finding and listening. A sesshin is always more than the sum of its parts or its recorded talks. There are morning rituals, greetings, incense passed magically through the screen, the changing light, rich silences, moments of humor, tech gremlins, tears, synchronicities, dogs barking, dreams, and awakenings that we share. It is the timeless play of the universe, with each other. As recorded in the PZI Digital Temple, June 22-27, 2021.

5 Words
Audio July 19, 2021

Direct Encounters: Big Questions of The Blue Cliff Record

Tess Beasley

Tess Beasley “Opens the mouth of the dead,”— a quote from Carl Jung—and contemplates the big questions at the heart of Zen, like,”‘Who am I?” and “What is the Way?” through the turning words of Zen masters that were handed down at the Blue Cliff.

57' 14"
Audio July 19, 2021

The Great Collaborators at the Blue Cliff

John Tarrant

John Tarrant introduces us to the great collaborative group of teachers, including Yunmen, who gathered at the Blue Cliff with Yuanwu to develop The Blue Cliff Record.

43' 20"
Audio July 19, 2021
60' 15"
Audio July 19, 2021

A Blue Cliff Record Journey of Not Picking & Choosing

John Tarrant

You are a stowaway in a wild koan journey of picking & choosing, told by John Tarrant. He recounts the adventures, awakenings and conversations of the great teachers that were gathered at the Blue Cliff with Yuanwu.

48' 31"
Audio July 15, 2021

Music for Meditation: Oh, What a Beautiful City!

Ryan McCoy

Ryan McCoy channels the Reverend Gary Davis as he sings this blues standard during meditation at Summer Sesshin.

3' 14"
Audio July 15, 2021

Opening Eve of Summer Sesshin

John Tarrant, Jon Joseph, Tess Beasley

John Tarrant and Tess Beasley welcome everyone to Summer Sesshin. Participants add their voices, forming the vessel of sesshin. Music from Jordan McConnell, Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher, and closing words from Jon Joseph.

78' 34"
Audio July 15, 2021

Oh, What a Beautiful City!

David Parks

David Parks in Summer Sesshin: Oh, what a beautiful city! East Gate, West Gate, North Gate, South Gate.

61' 50"
Audio July 15, 2021

Yuanwu & the Great Masters of the Blue Cliff

John Tarrant

Second evening talk of Summer Sesshin 2021: John Tarrant introduces the great master of the Blue Cliff and the great questions and koans of his awakening.

57' 57"