PZI Teacher Archives
2020 Summer Sesshin
You Can’t Cage a Koan – Make It a Raft!
In the Blue Dragon’s cave, everything is there. If you think you haven’t seen a dragon, you may be wrong. In fact, who says you’re not a dragon? And if you think you don’t know about koans, you may be wrong, too. Who says you’re not a koan? Transcript of a dharma talk in Summer Sesshin 2020.
Dharma Theme: Dragon Teachers & Magical Creatures
Anything might be in the Blue Dragon’s cave: awakening, memories, sorrows, dance moves—all the possibilities of your life might be there. You just fall into meditation in the Blue Dragon’s cave. Perhaps your whole life is blessed—every struggle and confusion itself.
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: A Storehouse of Treasures
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave – Sunday morning talk. Small things, small moments of rest, peace, & awakening, like “thank you.” Appreciating discarded treasures. The very things that imprison us hold the freedom, if we can host them—being at home with them. The storehouse ONLY opens by itself—no prying or forcing. “Returning” in meditation. Leonard Cohen sings How the Light Gets In. As recorded on July 28, 2020.
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: Opening the Final Session of Sesshin
Audio: Tess & John open the final session of sesshin. Remarkable magic of incense in the ether!
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: Vials of Light
PZI Zen Online: In to the Blue Dragon’s Cave, Summer Sesshin, Saturday eve: John’s dream of Orion. We accord with the Dao. What part of your life does not have value? Buddha nature is expressing itself through you. Vials of light, original light that we call koans which kindle light in us. Always there, even in a dark tangled place. Everything showing up is the koan! Memories in the cave—how they are whole and vivid. As recorded Summer 2020.
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: The Grand Beast of Sesshin
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave – evening talk & closing of sesshin, the grand beast of sesshin! Old Dragon & Tygher teachers meeting new teachers. A text on powers of dragons. Machado poem, “Only a wake behind us.” Intimacy of Mazu’s dharma, “How are you?” Sesshin is a work of art like a rakusu. We are always temporarily assembling ourselves. All faults included in the cave. Mazu—as practice deepens make yourself a raft to transport others. Carrying the Dao is what you are! Michael Wilding sax, Jordan McConnell guitar, Amy Fletcher cantor, Jan Brogan HOP.
Audio Excerpt: Banging on the Door of the House of Treasures?
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave – audio excerpt from David’s sesshin talk on the Storehouse of Treasures, flipside of the Blue Dragon’s Cave. It can’t be forced open, and the very things I fear most, that imprison me, are actually the treasure. How many times have I missed the door opening on its own? As recorded on June 28, 2020.
Audio Excerpt: The Elephant in the Room – Dream of the Totality of Being
PZI Zen Online: Audio excerpt. John Tarrant Roshi recounts a Sesshin dream—insight on meditation practice. As recorded June 27 2020.
Audio Excerpt: What Memory Holds in the Cave of the Blue Dragon
Summer Sesshin: Into the Cave of the Blue Dragon – audio excerpt from the Saturday morning session with Allison Atwill Roshi. As recorded June 27th, 2020.
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: Be a Tiger at Home in the Mountains
Summer Sesshin: Into the Cave of the Blue Dragon – Sesshin opening with John Tarrant & Michelle Riddle. John talks about meditation in sesshin. Stories: District Mistress Fan & Yuanwu, “so near at hand.” Tabor’s poem: So easy to think I am not enough. Xing Quin “One drop, just ink—2 drops, a dragon is born.” We are in community and discovering together. Yunmen’s Talking to a Rock. Alan Watts onLetting go, “Don’t prevent the world from falling apart.” Be a tiger at home in the mountains. Closing prayer: Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher, Jordan McConnell on guitar. The Four Vows. Jon Joseph Roshi’s evening words. As recorded Thursday June 25, 2020.
Don’t Try to Cage the Blue Dragon
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragons Cave – audio excerpt. Koans are much more than “tools”—they do YOU! Your very heart-mind is it, so have the intimacy of your life even into death. From the Friday evening talk by John Tarrant. As recorded June 26th, 2020.
Audio Excerpt: Walking on the Red Sky – Leaving Regret
Audio excerpt: John Tarrant Roshi on moments regret or the worst things becoming beautiful. Friday session Summer Sesshin.
Audio Excerpt: Gardens in the Cracks of the Sidewalk – Small Moments
Audio excerpt: David Weinstein on noticing small moments – the crack gardens in the sidewalks. Friday morning Summer Sesshin 202.
Audio Excerpt: The Unexpected Call of the Blue Dragon – Evening Words
Audio excerpt: Evening words from Allison Atwill, Roshi on Friday June 26th. The call of the Blue Dragon – what will it be?
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: You Can’t Cage a Koan – Make It a Raft!
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave Sesshin—the complete Friday afternoon into evening session with John Tarrant Roshi. Music by Ryan McCoy. Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher. As recorded on June 26, 2020.
Audio Excerpt: The Beautiful & Terrible Coexist in Our World
Summer Sesshin: Excerpt from a longer Friday morning talk on master Ma, sickness and health.