PZI Teacher Archives
John Tarrant, Byron Katie & Stephen Mitchell on the book: ‘The Mind at Home’ by Byron Katie
In this fascinating discussion between Byron Katie, John Tarrant, and Stephen Mitchell, the three take a deep dive into similarities between The Work and Buddhism, and how these were woven into “A Mind at Home with Itself.” John begins, “In Katie and Stephen’s new book, Stephen translates and makes very accessible one of the great wisdom texts, the Diamond Sutra, while Katie responds to this text from her inner quiet. Deconstructing your thought forms and what mind is believing is a practice common to Zen Buddhism and The Work, with its four questions and the turnarounds.”
Your Life is Right Here
John’s evening talking is brief, yet poignant. There is a light and a joy and they are here now. It doesn’t wait until you improve yourself, your partner, enemy, or live in a different colored state.
Emptiness, Meditation, Koans
John Tarrant gives a talk on Friday evening of the 2018 Summer Sesshin. June 15, 2018.
Heart Sutra
John Tarrant gives a talk on Thursday evening of the 2018 Summer Sesshin. June 14, 2018.
Koans and the Practice of Little Things
Rachel Boughton and David Weinstein give a talk on Saturday morning of the Summer 2018 Sesshin. June 16, 2018.
Ilana Berger gives a talk on Friday morning of the 2018 Summer Sesshin. June 15, 2018.
Story Time
Jon Joseph gives a talk on Thursday morning of the 2018 Summer Sesshin. June 14, 2018.
Heart Sutra Variations
John Tarrant gives a talk on Tuesday Evening of the 2018 Summer Sesshin. June 12, 2018.
Heart Sutra
Rachel Boughton gives a talk on Tuesday morning of the Summer 2018 Sesshin. June 12, 2018.
Koans and Mantras
David Weinstein talks about his internalized mantra-phobia, fourth Chan ancestor Daishin (translates to “the way of faith”), and the parallels between early Chan history and his own practice of chanting mantras and working with koans. A morning dharma talk in Summer Sesshin, June 13, 2018.