PZI Teacher Archives

2018 Winter Sesshin

Text August 13, 2021

Enter Here, Step Through

John Tarrant

Day two of 2018 Winter Sesshin. John Tarrant introduces the great koan “No,” a gift from the ancestors. The gift is what happens when we hang out with the koan. “No” as the purest gate. When we step through, we find out we’re here! It’s not personal, you’re harmonizing with the universe. Transcript from a recording on January 17, 2018.

4957 Words
Audio July 13, 2021

Refuge Ceremony in Winter Sesshin

PZI Teachers

Evening refuge ceremony with PZI Teachers, in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 20, 2018.

59' 7"
Audio February 26, 2021

What is the Secret of Caring for Life?

John Tarrant

Evening dharma talk by John Tarrant Roshi in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 19, 2018.

53' 42"
Audio February 26, 2021

Seeing with the Eyes of the Dark

John Tarrant

Evening dharma talk by John Tarrant in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 18, 2018.

60' 9"
Audio February 26, 2021

Standing in Your Own Place

Allison Atwill

Morning dharma talk by Allison Atwill in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 19, 2018.

71' 38"
Audio February 26, 2021

Maybe This IS IT

John Tarrant

Morning dharma talk by John Tarrant in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 20, 2018.

65' 53"
Audio February 26, 2021

Enter Here, Step Through

John Tarrant

Evening dharma talk by John Tarrant, in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 17, 2018.

48' 15"
Audio February 26, 2021

Turn the Light Around, Then Return

David Weinstein

Morning dharma talk by David Weinstein in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 17, 2018.

73' 47"
Audio February 26, 2021

Mysterious Source of the Bright

John Tarrant

Evening dharma talk by John Tarrant in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 16, 2018.

59' 50"
Audio February 26, 2021

10,000 Kalpa Fire

Allison Atwill

Morning dharma talk by Allison Atwill in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 16, 2018.

92' 50"
Audio February 26, 2021

Taking Part in the Gathering

John Tarrant

Evening dharma talk by John Tarrant in Winter Sesshin. As recorded January 15, 2018.

29' 2"
Audio September 8, 2020

10,000 Kalpa Fire!

Allison Atwill

PZI Zen – Winter Sesshin 2018. Allison Atwill on her narrow escape from Fire in Montecito CA.

92' 50"
Audio September 8, 2020

Standing in Your Own Place with Allison Atwill Roshi

Allison Atwill

PZI Zen – Sesshin Winter 2018. Dharma talk relaying the narrow escape for two natural disaster one after another in devastating fire and debris flows afterward.

71' 38"