PZI Teacher Archives

2012 Bare Bones Retreat

Text November 13, 2019

The Story of the Well Painting

Allison Atwill

I want to describe the process that I went through, over the last year of making the painting, and I want to do that in the spirit of “when something arises, don’t believe it, and shine your light on it.” So in a year a lot of things can arise not to believe, and they did. But even if you’re in the meditation hall, five minutes is probably long enough for plenty to arrive not to believe in.

6700 Words
Video September 18, 2019

Tree Frogs

John Tarrant

John Tarrant shares final thoughts on practice and trusting the light within while in conversation with retreatants. Enjoy the singing of the Tree Frogs.

32' 54"
Video September 18, 2019

Whatever Confronts You, Don’t Believe It

John Tarrant

Roshi John Tarrant opens Sesshin with a Koan by Linji: “Whatever confronts you, don’t believe it. Have faith in this light that is always functioning inside you.” February 19, 2012.

0' 0"
Video July 20, 2017

Don’t Believe the Light

David Weinstein

The Koan presented by John Tarrant to begin retreat: “Whatever confronts you, don’t believe it. Trust in the light within and shine your light on it.” David Weinstein leads an exploration of the opposite of believing in the light. This exploration comes at the Koan from an opposite but not necessarily contrary approach. Enjoy shining the light of your awareness into what you believe, and seeing through it. February 21, 2012.

54' 34"