In the belly of Winter Sesshin: We are in the time of the pagan festival Imbolc which celebrates the forming of new life before spring. A time in the womb of the earth, and also of masks coming off. We are coming into being in the Temple. February 4. 2022.
In the belly of Winter Sesshin: We are in the time of the pagan festival Imbolc which celebrates the forming of new life before spring—a time in the womb of the earth, and also of masks coming off. We are coming into being in the Temple.
A koan says: If you get it the first time you hear it…
But what is IT?
“When did you get it?” the student asks the teacher in the koan.
Samurai koan #13:
Deer have never been known to understand human speech, so how was it that they wept when they listened to the sermon?
Tess relates segments of a Bob Dylan teisho (press interview) from 1965 when his popularity was beginning to soar. His stance is very Zen—the reporters cannot pin him down, he deftly evades giving definitive answers to their increasingly insistent questions.
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