PZI Teacher Archives

Zhaozhou's Gates (BCR9)


A student asked Zhaozhou, “What is Zhaozhou?”
Zhaozhou replied, “East Gate, West Gate, South Gate, North Gate.”

—Blue Cliff Record Case 9 (transl. by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland)


Dharma Theme July 19, 2021

Dharma Theme: In the Palace at the Blue Cliff – Summer Sesshin 2021

John Tarrant, PZI Cantor & Musicians, PZI Teachers

Here is a curation of sesshin dharma talks on a single page, for easy finding and listening. A sesshin is always more than the sum of its parts or its recorded talks. There are morning rituals, greetings, incense passed magically through the screen, the changing light, rich silences, moments of humor, tech gremlins, tears, synchronicities, dogs barking, dreams, and awakenings that we share. It is the timeless play of the universe, with each other. As recorded in the PZI Digital Temple, June 22-27, 2021.

5 Words
Audio July 15, 2021

Oh, What a Beautiful City!

David Parks

David Parks in Summer Sesshin: Oh, what a beautiful city! East Gate, West Gate, North Gate, South Gate.

61' 50"