PZI Teacher Archives

Yunmen's Day of the Full Moon (BCR6)


Yunmen said, “I’m not asking you about before the full moon. Come and say a word or two about after the full moon.”
He responded to his own request, “Every day is a good day.”

—Blue Cliff Record Case 6 (transl. by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland, titled: Yunmen’s Good Day)

Text October 8, 2020

18 Gratitude, Care And Feeding Of – The Zenosaurus Course In Koans

John Tarrant

Zenosaurus Curriculum 18: Gratitude comes with a feeling of openness, shyness, vulnerability. The person who is grateful can be hurt or rejected, she is taking a risk. With gratitude, there is more at stake, life is not small. 

1913 Words
Audio February 12, 2020

Every Day Is a Good Day!

John Tarrant

The whole thing about Chan is that it’s an improvisational culture. Because we love it? No, because that’s what life is! That’s the good day. Not-knowing is intimately tied to the good day. It’s not an achievement—it’s the gift of the universe, and you are in the universe having received the gift. Poetry, dreams, Linji’s death, and more. As recorded in Winter Sesshin 2020.

50' 7"
Video August 15, 2019

Listening to Your Own Heart

John Tarrant

Listening to Your Own Heart with John Tarrant, recorded at Mount Madonna in Summer Sesshin 2019.

17' 36"
Audio November 27, 2017

Every Day is a Good Day

John Tarrant

A student asked Yunmen: ‘I don’t ask you about before the full moon, what about after the full moon teacher?’ Yunmen replied ‘Every day is a good day’. A side story to this koan is that Yunmen was ill when the student came to visit and he was asking him about his health. There is a light which shines through everything: the day, the moment, an illness, even our problems.

54' 45"