PZI Teacher Archives

Mazu's Purpose of Your Life


The whole purpose of your life rests in the current matter.

—Mazu Daoyi (excerpt from a longer teaching)

Text October 30, 2023

You Can’t Cage a Koan – Make It a Raft!

John Tarrant, PZI Teachers

In the Blue Dragon’s cave, everything is there. If you think you haven’t seen a dragon, you may be wrong. In fact, who says you’re not a dragon? And if you think you don’t know about koans, you may be wrong, too. Who says you’re not a koan? Transcript of a dharma talk in Summer Sesshin 2020.

9009 Words
Audio October 12, 2023

Zen Arts: Pickles, Poems & Direct Encounter

John Tarrant

Takuan Soho, creator of the renowned golden yellow daikon pickle, was a poet, artist, calligrapher, master of the tea ceremony and Zen priest of Tokai temple—a master of the creative response. The arts of Zen are responses to our meeting whatever circumstances arise—death, war, love, loneliness, natural changes.

40' 0"


Dharma Theme June 9, 2023
29 Words
Video April 1, 2023
22' 33"
Audio February 27, 2023
44' 17"
Audio December 19, 2022

The Transformations in Things

John Tarrant

In the darkest days of the year, we tend toward year’s end assessments as a kind of emptying of heart and mind before the new year. John Tarrant tells a shaggy-dog transformation tale beginning with the koan, “Where do all the Buddhas come from? East Mountain walks on water.” There is a strange journey, a fox, carp, tiger, dragon’s cave, and a meeting with the Buddha. When we are free in the current matter, it is easier to love others, and our hearts flow out and touch each other.

36' 4"
Text November 26, 2022
6480 Words
Audio May 7, 2022

Zen Is Poetry

John Tarrant

Koans and poetry tumble over each other. Good poetry has an objective quality and is related to koanville in that way. It does not try to persuade or recruit. Not knowing always supports us—you are always in the jeweled net. Music for meditation and the four vows with Jordan McConnell and Amaryllis Fletcher. Participants create poetry from a few momentary observations. Poems by John Tarrant and others.

71' 18"
Audio April 19, 2022

A Morning of Amnesty

John Tarrant

We abide in the inexplicable amnesty of hereness. Amnesty is also a metaphor for awakening. You allow your awakening to go all the way through. And you can be free, then caught, then free again. Recorded April 17, 2022. Music from Michael Wilding. Todd Geist sings vows.

60' 59"
Audio August 16, 2021

Changing Places with the Night Sky – Make the Mountains Dance!

John Tarrant

Make the Mountains Dance! Enjoy the life you have—side with the wisdom field, side with the koan. All of life is solved already. What do I do next? Keep meditating!

68' 43"
Audio July 13, 2021

Markers of the Way: Curiosity, Epiphany, Intimacy, Kindness

John Tarrant

Markers of the Way. Stepping into the field of the heart mind —the koan field. John reads his poem, “Setting out under the Golden Gate in the Rain.” The intimacy of doing tasks together. Mazu’s koan, “The purpose of your whole life is contained in the current matter.” Epiphanies—the Greek showing of the god, and the Japanese kensho: when you see your true nature. Curiosity is part of awakening. Whose life is it? Discovery must be lived through your own deep work. Everything strikes the heart. Our monastery is the practice. Music with Michael Wilding and Ryan McCoy. PZI Zen Online, as recorded Feb. 7, 2021.

67' 23"
Audio February 10, 2021

Guided Meditation: Mazu’s Current Matter

John Tarrant

Guided meditation with John Tarrant. Who is sitting? Who hears the bell? Always a good start for a meditation. John shares Master Ma’s comment on “the current matter”— this very moment of your life as a most important gate. Audio excerpt recorded Feb. 7 2021, PZI Zen Online. 25 minutes.

24' 19"