PZI Teacher Archives
Linji's Take the Role of Host (MK38d)
Wherever you are, just take the role of host, and that place will be a true place.
—PZI Miscellaneous Koans, Case 38d (Record of Linji)
Dharma Theme: Home and Not Home
It is the Chan way to understand that the fullness of life resides in us, and the experience of life, whatever it is, is all for you. Our task is to have the life we have.
Dharma Theme: Great Ancestor Linji
Meet Great Ancestor Linji: “A nine-colored Phoenix, a thousand-mile horse.” That’s how Linji was described in early Chan times.
Surprising Happiness in the Midst of It All
Just having your life, whatever appears—meeting it. Nothing to DO. There is a joy in that, no matter what the universe delivers in the daily mix. Music from Amaryllis Fletcher and vows sung by Todd Geist. Recorded August 28, 2022.
Surprising Happiness in the Midst of It All
Just having your life, whatever appears—meeting it. Nothing to do. There is a joy in that, no matter what the universe delivers in the daily mix. Music from Amaryllis Fletcher & vows sung by Todd Geist. Recorded August 28, 2022.
Our Own True Lives: Thank You Very Much!
Thanksgiving weekend dharma talk on the many-layered and mysterious qualities of gratitude: aspirational, strategic, innocent, etc. The act of giving is pure —any gift is good. A koan story: A teacher gives a student a yearlong task on feeling gratitude. Music for meditation from Michael Wilding and Jordan McConnell, Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher on violin introducing the Four Vows.
Zen & the Art of Meditation Series, Part 3: Befriending Your Own Heart Mind
Befriending your life, your koan, your own heart mind—not using your meditation for anything: no intention to improve yourself; not getting on board with the mind. Zen & The Art of Meditation, Part lll: October 17, 2021.
Put Out the Fire – A Panel on Koan Practice & Pain
Jon Joseph Roshi assembles a panel of four PZI meditators who have varied experiences of chronic and severe pain. Koan meditation has helped all of them find a way to allow in the pain—to not exclude it—and to see it as a profound teacher and ally. Recorded May 31, 2021.
Hosting the Life You Have – Koans for Hard Times
Rilke said, “Life is always right.” Whatever I think about that saying, this is the life I have and I can’t have another life. And really, fundamentally, I don’t want another one because this one is so rich and compelling no matter what’s going down right now.
Green Glade: Emptiness in the Role of Host
Green Glade of Meditation: Our culture needs to renew its dreams. We are still held by vastness, and it is good when the bottom falls out: our job is to work in harmony with the universe. Take the role of host for everything that appears. Allow “not knowing.” If you know who you are, you can not take a step! Nothing before us, and only a wake behind. The empathic nature of emptiness, blessings of the goddess. PZI Zen Online, as recorded July 26th, 2020.
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: A Storehouse of Treasures
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave – Sunday morning talk. Small things, small moments of rest, peace, & awakening, like “thank you.” Appreciating discarded treasures. The very things that imprison us hold the freedom, if we can host them—being at home with them. The storehouse ONLY opens by itself—no prying or forcing. “Returning” in meditation. Leonard Cohen sings How the Light Gets In. As recorded on July 28, 2020.
Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: The Grand Beast of Sesshin
Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave – evening talk & closing of sesshin, the grand beast of sesshin! Old Dragon & Tygher teachers meeting new teachers. A text on powers of dragons. Machado poem, “Only a wake behind us.” Intimacy of Mazu’s dharma, “How are you?” Sesshin is a work of art like a rakusu. We are always temporarily assembling ourselves. All faults included in the cave. Mazu—as practice deepens make yourself a raft to transport others. Carrying the Dao is what you are! Michael Wilding sax, Jordan McConnell guitar, Amy Fletcher cantor, Jan Brogan HOP.
Hosting the Life You Have
“We’d give anything for the life we have,” says poet Tony Hoagland. Take the role of host wherever you are; no special undertakings are necessary. From Summer Sesshin. As recorded June 13 2016.
Hosting the Life You Have – Koans for Hard Times
..one of the things we can be skeptical about is that division. This is meditation, this is not meditation, and the question is always, how do you know it’s not meditation? How do you know what’s happening now isn’t it?
Tyger Tyger
Allison Atwill at the Pacific Zen Institute’s 2016 summer sesshin.