PZI Teacher Archives

Dasui's Fire at the End of the Kalpa (BCR 29)


A student asked Dasui,
“It’s clear that the fire at the end of this kalpa will completely destroy the universe.

I’m still not clear whether there’s something that won’t be destroyed.”
Dasui said, “It will be destroyed.”

“It’ll leave along with everything else?”

“It will leave along with everything else,” said Dasui.

—Blue Cliff Record Case 29 (transl. by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland)


Dharma Theme June 9, 2023

Dharma Theme: Fire – The Extremes of Climate Change

PZI Teachers

Our era is undoubtedly difficult, and even crazy. We are in an underworld time. We know that we’re cutting down ancient trees, burning fossil fuels, melting the sustaining ice, finding leaders who pretend that we have no part in the changes that overwhelm us. We are suffering from forces greater than us and also from ourselves; we too are forces beyond our control.

131 Words
Audio September 10, 2020

Saving Houses: Fiery Guanyin – with Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill

Saving houses from fire: Allison Atwill Roshi’s stories of fiery compassion and radiance. Audio excerpt from Guanyin in the Pavilion Under the August Moon, recorded August 30, 2020.

7' 0"
Audio September 10, 2020

The Great Temple Fire & Nothing Destroyed with Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill

Fire & Radiance with Allison Atwill Roshi. Audio excerpt from Guanyin in the Pavilion under the August Moon, recorded August 30, 2020.

7' 0"
Audio September 3, 2020

Fiery, Radiant Guanyin in the Pavilion Under the August Moon with Allison Atwill Roshi

Allison Atwill

Fiery Guanyin in the butterfly tent with open wings. Allison reminds us of all the elemental manifestations of Guanyin as Space, Earth, Water, Air, and, finally, Fire. Guanyin manifests solutions from unseen space in any situation that is deemed unfixable. Complete session recorded from August 30, 2020, with Michael Wilding on flute.

77' 55"
Video January 11, 2020

Leaning Into the Ancestors

John Tarrant

John’s SRCZC talk on impermanence and rawness of feeling after the great fires in CA and Queensland. He reflects on the importance of internalizing the teachings and the nourishment of our ancestors within us- outside of our normal paths. Teachings after the great Engakuji fire in Chan koan history. The practice of talking to the ancestors – human or otherwise a source of great knowledge.

47' 10"