PZI Teacher Archives

Dharma Theme: Winter & Silver, Moonlight & Snow – Winter Sesshin 2022


A curation of Winter Sesshin dharma talks on a single page, for easy finding and listening. A sesshin is always more than the sum of its parts or its recorded talks. There are morning rituals, greetings, incense passed magically through the screen, the changing light, rich silences, moments of humor, tech gremlins, tears, synchronicities, dogs barking, dreams, and awakenings that we share. It is the timeless play of the universe. As recorded in the PZI Digital Temple, February 1-6, 2022.



Winter & silver, moonlight & snow, the silence at the beginning of the world.

It speaks in silence,
in speech you hear its silence.
The great way opens and there are no obstacles.

 —Yongjia Xuanjue’s Song of Enlightenment

In silence, there we feel free.

In silence, the person who is angry forgets to be angry, the busy person laughs, the sad person walks toward spring. The still invisible, true life is stirring underground. Our silence aids the things to come. Already we feel them.

We make a temple that has altars all over the world. No one is correct or excluded. The fox crosses the garden, the owl announces silence, silence. The rain comes and the winter light. We sit quietly together, the temple bells are inside and outside, and already we are in the new life.

—John Tarrant & the Remarkable PZI Teachers: Tess Beasley, Sarah Bender, Jesse Cardin, Eduardo Fuentes, Jon Joseph, David Parks, Michelle Riddle, & David Weinstein
Heads of Practice: Jan Brogan & Chris Gaffney

Here are the Winter Sesshin dharma talks in consecutive order:

**More links to dharma talk audio will be added below as they become available**

February 1: Tuesday Evening Opening Night Dharma Talk
AUDIO: Welcome to Sesshin: Tending the Mystery Together with John Tarrant & PZI Teachers

February 2: Wednesday Morning Dharma Talk
AUDIO: A Donkey Sees a Well with Jon Joseph Roshi

February 2: Wednesday Evening Dharma Talk
AUDIO: Make Your Mind Like Ashes with John Tarrant

February 3: Thursday Morning Dharma Talk
AUDIO: In the World of Karma with Eduardo Fuentes

February 3: Thursday Evening Dharma Talk
AUDIO: Guishan on the Mountain with John Tarrant

February 4: No Dharma Talk on Friday Morning

February 4: Friday Evening Dharma Talk
AUDIO: My Heart Is Not at Rest with Jesse Cardin

February 5: Saturday Morning Dharma Talk
AUDIO: What Does It Mean to Get IT?, or Bob Dylan Gets Out of a Well with Tess Beasley

February 5: Saturday Evening Dharma Talk
AUDIO: The Silence of Haiku with John Tarrant

February 6: Sunday Morning Closing Day Dharma Talk
AUDIO:  Closing Our Sesshin: You Too Must Become a Hippo with John Tarrant & PZI Teachers

Here are musical excerpts from Winter Sesshin, featuring Cantor Amaryllis Fletcher and Musicians Jordan McConnell, Amanda Boughton, and Michael Wilding.

**Links to music audio will be added below as they become available**

AUDIO: Jordan McConnell leads the sutra service…

AUDIO: Jordan McConnell plays guitar for meditation…

AUDIO: Michael Wilding plays flute for meditation…

AUDIO: Michael Wilding plays tenor saxophone for meditation…

AUDIO: Amanda Boughton plays ukelele & sings The Four Boundless Vows

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