PZI Teacher Archives

Dharma Theme: Baizhang’s Fox – Cause & Effect in a Fox Life


How many lifetimes do we spend in our fox suits? They are not wasted. All forms are part of the lively package of existence. Turning words and sudden awakenings even from long-suffering can appear anywhere and in the most unexpected ways. 

Baizhang’s Fox – Cause & Effect in a Fox Life

Links to Audio, Video, & Text on the topic

How many lifetimes do we spend in our fox suits? They are not wasted. All forms are part of the lively package of existence. The abbot agrees that the fox-body will have its due with a full-on funeral attended by the whole monastery. Turning words and sudden awakenings even from long-suffering can appear anywhere and in the most unexpected ways.

We do things over and over and over until suddenly we jump the grid, leave the confinement.


What foxy chains do you see standing in the way of your practice?
What if these were not the chains that they appear to be?
Can you have chains of grace?

Questions from Chris Gaffney

Baixhang’s Fox: A Tale of Transformation

Whenever Baizhang gave a talk, an old man was there listening. When the people left, he left too. One day he stayed behind.

“Who are you?” asked the teacher.

The old man said, “It’s true, I’m not a human being. In a previous universe, in a time of a different Buddha, I was the abbot on this mountain. A student asked, ‘Does an enlightened person fall under the law of cause and effect?’ ‘No,’ I said, ‘someone like that doesn’t fall under the law of cause and effect.’ Because of this, I’ve been reborn 500 times as a fox. Please, will you say a turning word for me?”

Baizhang said, “You don’t cut the chains of cause and effect.” At these words, the old man had a great awakening.

—Gateless Gate, Case 2 & Book of Serenity, Case 8

VIDEO: On the Moment of Staying: Baizhang’s Fox Koan – with Allison Atwill, Fall Sesshin 2019

AUDIO: Staying with Baizhang’s Abbot-Fox – with Allison Atwill, Fall Sesshin 2019

VIDEO: Zen & Science: What’s Real Magic? – with Chris Gaffney, Monday Zen, Summer 2013

TRANSCRIPT: The Story of the Well Painting – with Allison Atwill, Winter Sesshin 2012

VIDEO: Baizhang’s Fox – with Allison Atwill, Fall Sesshin 2011

Wumen’s poem on the koan of Baizhang’s Fox

Not falling, not evading—
Two faces of the same die.
Not evading, not falling—
A thousand mistakes, ten thousand mistakes.

Wumen also described the old man’s five hundred lives as a fox as five hundred lives of grace.

ARTWORK: PZI Art Card #10: The Koan of the Fox – card by Corey Hitchcock, 2019

ARTWORK: The Fox: Retreat Journal Excerpts – with Corey Hitchcock, 2015

ARTWORK: Fox Burns Me in Effigy – decorated paper and paint by Corey Hitchcock, 2015

ARTWORK: Baizhang’s Fox – painting from Allison Atwill, 2011, & full-length version of the fox koan


AUDIO: On Lostness & the Spiral Path of Practice – with John Tarrant, Sunday Zen, Winter 2023

AUDIO: The Transformations in Things – with John Tarrant, Sunday Zen, Winter 2022

AUDIO: Tortoise Mountain Wakes Up! – with John Tarrant, Sunday Zen, Winter 2021

TRANSCRIPT: Enter Here, Step Through – with John Tarrant, Sunday Zen, Winter 2018