PZI Teacher Archives

Ceremonies: Dedication: For the End of Sesshin (Arizona)


Dedication for the End of Sesshin (Arizona) Cantor: (chanted or sung, palms together) Friends, the world […]

Dedication for the End of Sesshin (Arizona)

Cantor: (chanted or sung, palms together)

the world comes to meet us now,
an immense palace full of dreams.
Fountains and wild beasts play in the gardens,
there are trees made of stars,
there are endings,
in the foundries the fires burn all night,
in the drawing rooms there are smiles, envy,
and a kindness older than pain.

Thanks to the saguaro,
the sun, the moonlight and rain,
the small leaves on the ocotillo,
trout in the waters,
coyotes the color of dust,
the mourning doves that call with an underwater sound,
In this world we will not be alone.

Without words, beyond thought,
trees and buildings open a path,
feet find it,
splash through pools,
crossing the black tarmac and the soft moss–
may you have joy and be welcome, may you have joy on the roads.

 [Optional: We dedicate our retreat to—]

All: (sung)

All buddhas throughout space and time,
all awakened beings, great beings,
the Heart of Perfect Wisdom. 
