PZI Teacher Archives
What Does Essential Nature Look Like? (MK28)
a. The leaves of the lotus are round, round, rounder than a mirror.
b. The thorn of the water nut is sharp, sharp, sharper than an awl.
c. When the wind blows, the down on the pussy willows floats away.
d. When the rain beats down on the pear blossoms, a butterfly flies up.
—PZI Miscellaneous Koans, Case 28 (Dahui)
Noticing What Is Sharp & What Is Round
We are more interwoven when noticing and appreciating the particular qualities of things. When you see yourself in all things, you are seeing with your ears and hearing with your eyes. From a talk in PZI’s Summer Sesshin, June 16, 2022. 11 minutes.
Jiashan Meets the Boat Monk
David tells the story of Jiashan’s awakening after being sent by Daowu to find the Boat Monk. From a talk given in Summer Sesshin, June 16, 2022.