PZI Teacher Archives


Audio July 3, 2023

Swimming Through the Titanic

John Tarrant, Tess Beasley

Our fascination with the Titanic endures. Even the name of the ship was the beginning of its loss; the titans stand in the psyche for whatever is gigantic and careless and ignores the laws of fate. The ship had to sink because it was unsinkable.

59' 15"
Audio November 1, 2021

Fall Sesshin 2021: Mysterious Tasks & Impossible Problems – The Stone

John Tarrant

John Tarrant gives an evening dharma talk on the incalculable value of descent and return. We take up the task set by the ancestors: that’s what we came here for. As recorded in Fall Sesshin, October 21, 2021.

56' 54"
Audio April 15, 2020

10,000 Feet Down, the Stone

John Tarrant

John takes us further into our lockdown descent with a predicament koan that interrupts our usual ways of navigating, into the Sea of Ise, 10,000 feet down, to a single stone. Session includes John’s talk and koan, meditation segments, closing music, and participating teachers’ comments. As recorded April 5, 2020.

80' 53"