PZI Teacher Archives

Sun Face Moon Face Buddha (BCR3)


Ancestor Ma was sick. The superintendent of the monastery asked him, “How are you feeling these days?” 
The Ancestor said, “Sun Face Buddha, Moon Face Buddha.”

—Blue Cliff Record Case 3 (translation by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland, titled Ma’s Sun Face, Moon Face Buddha)

Audio October 12, 2020

Fall Sesshin 2020: The Koan Raft – Morning Talk with Jon Joseph

Jon Joseph

PZI Fall Sesshin: The Koan Raft – with Jon Joseph Roshi. What is a koan? A koan is a “public case” in Chinese. Koan practice develops a resonance with all things. Any section or word in a koan is a gate. As recorded October 2, 2020.

26' 0"
Audio July 16, 2020

Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: Vials of Light

John Tarrant

PZI Zen Online: In to the Blue Dragon’s Cave, Summer Sesshin, Saturday eve: John’s dream of Orion. We accord with the Dao. What part of your life does not have value? Buddha nature is expressing itself through you. Vials of light, original light that we call koans which kindle light in us. Always there, even in a dark tangled place. Everything showing up is the koan! Memories in the cave—how they are whole and vivid. As recorded Summer 2020.

89' 6"
Audio July 16, 2020

Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave: The Grand Beast of Sesshin

John Tarrant, Jordan McConnell, Michael Wilding, Michelle Riddle, Ryan McCoy, Tess Beasley

Summer Sesshin: Into the Blue Dragon’s Cave – evening talk & closing of sesshin, the grand beast of sesshin! Old Dragon & Tygher teachers meeting new teachers. A text on powers of dragons. Machado poem, “Only a wake behind us.” Intimacy of Mazu’s dharma, “How are you?” Sesshin is a work of art like a rakusu. We are always temporarily assembling ourselves. All faults included in the cave. Mazu—as practice deepens make yourself a raft to transport others. Carrying the Dao is what you are! Michael Wilding sax, Jordan McConnell guitar, Amy Fletcher cantor, Jan Brogan HOP.

89' 6"