PZI Teacher Archives
Jiashan's State of Mind (EV99)
A student asked Jiashan, “What is Jiashan’s state of mind?”
Jiashan answered, “Monkeys, clasping their young to their breasts, return beyond the green peaks: a bird with a flower in its beak alights before the blue grotto.”
—Entangling Vines, Case 99
Jiashan’s Beautiful State of Mind
In the mountains, the world goes about its life without us needing to do anything. At the same time, it’s happening within us as well as outside us. It’s a marvelous thing to feel this freedom. Jiashan’s state of mind includes everything, and his enlightenment story is one of a journey between Yeshang, Dahui and a wild teacher called the Boat Monk.
Fall Sesshin 2022: Dahui’s Journey, Bodhidharma’s Response, & the Marvelous Duke
Sesshin is an embrace which allows greater freedom to appear, and it is deeply mysterious. We don’t do it for a particular outcome or we would be constraining ourselves. We are free and easy wandering. In the koan, Emperor Wu wants a method and a first principle of the holy teaching. Bodhidharma answers, There isn’t a principle! You can’t confine it. Chan is trusting uncertainty, it is not something to be believed. Vows from Amanda Boughton, closing words from Tess Beasley. Complete session recorded on October 7, 2022.
Fall Sesshin 2022: Falling Into the Well of Sesshin
Falling into the well of sesshin involves dissolving the you that had the problem. In Zen we are solving things one level down. We all have this ability, though it can be hard to see. John retells Jiashan’s strange journey toward awakening: He was falling and found purchase with an unexpected teacher, the mysterious Boat Monk. Comments and “teach us!” responses from teachers and sangha are included. Complete session from October 5, 2022.
Zen Is Poetry: Music for Meditation with Jiashan’s State of Mind
Meditation on the koan, What Is Jiashan’s State of Mind, is accompanied by Jordan McConnell’s musical improvisation on guitar. Recorded on May 1, 2022, during John Tarrant’s Zen Is Poetry Sunday Talk.
Zen Is Poetry
Koans and poetry tumble over each other. Good poetry has an objective quality and is related to koanville in that way. It does not try to persuade or recruit. Not knowing always supports us—you are always in the jeweled net. Music for meditation and the four vows with Jordan McConnell and Amaryllis Fletcher. Participants create poetry from a few momentary observations. Poems by John Tarrant and others.
Guided Koan Meditation: Free & Easy Wandering Series – Jiashan’s State of Mind
A 20-minute guided koan meditation with John Tarrant, from his Sunday dharma talk. The koan for this meditation, “What is Jiashan’s state of mind?” was translated by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland. Audio excerpt as recorded May 9, 2021.
Free & Easy Wandering Series: Day of the Mothers – Jiashan’s State of Mind
A Mothers’ Day salute to the great mother in all her forms, the Valley Spirit—and to our own mysterious mothers. Wandering free and easy, without judgments or interruptions, the space inside everything is a kind of light that gradually becomes visible. Includes music for meditation from Jordan McConnell. 28-minute excerpt from Sunday talk, as recorded May 9, 2021. PZI Zen Online.